Grombrooklyn Gaming Rumble #14
Organized by Grombrooklyn Gaming
Scarlet & Violet - Regulation G
Nintendo Switch


Welcome to the world of Grombrooklyn Gaming!

GG is a german discord server, hosting GBDL - a VGC Draft League. As players got more invested into the world of VGC, many of our regulars, including myself, began attending VGC tournaments via Limitless or even multiple regional championships.

While we began the journey of getting into VGC together, we often ended up discussing how to prepare for said championships. Unfortunately, that led to the realisation that most of the held tournaments on Limitless don't fit the timezone the german community is in. We didn't let that stop us, though - we just began hosting our very own tournaments via Limitless on top of the regular VGC Draft League we are already hosting!

Format and Rules

-The format will be VGC Standard Rules for Regulation G on the Nintendo Switch

-Open team sheet

-Swiss Rounds/Top Cut depents on the number of players participating, players will be informed about changes in discord.

-17-32 players > 5 swiss rounds > Top 4 or Top 8

-33-64 players > 6 swiss rounds >TopCut X-2 or better

-65-128 players > 7 swiss rounds >TopCut X-2 or better

-129-256 players > 8 swiss rounds > TopCut X-2 or better

-257+ players > 9 swiss rounds > TopCut X-2 or better

-Rounds last 50 or 60 minutes with a small break.

-If you have entered, you must join the discord. You’ll get live information for the rounds and result, also disputes are able to be resolved faster

-Disconnect Rules: If a disconnect occurs both players must take a screen shot of the disconnect error otherwise it will result in a game loss.

If you are enjoying these tours and want to help, please consider making a donation via Paypal.

Obviously just if you want to and can afford it!

Thanks to ProfessorKai’s Tournaments for sharing the text above!

Tournament Structure

Swiss Rounds
6 Swiss Rounds - BO3
60 minutes per round
5 minute round check-in
8 players advance to the next phase
Single Elimination Bracket - BO3
untimed matches
no match check-in
Wins are worth 1 match point, ties 0