Grombrooklyn Gaming


Welcome to the world of Grombrooklyn Gaming!

GG is a german discord server, hosting GBDL - a VGC Draft League. As players got more invested into the world of VGC, many of our regulars, including myself, began attending VGC tournaments via Limitless or even multiple regional championships.

While we began the journey of getting into VGC together, we often ended up discussing how to prepare for said championships. Unfortunately, that led to the realisation that most of the held tournaments on Limitless don't fit the timezone the german community is in. We didn't let that stop us, though - we just began hosting our very own tournaments via Limitless on top of the regular VGC Draft League we are already hosting!

Our Staff

Leon Karmae: Server Owner

ProfessorTiPl: Organzier, Limitless Head Judge, Discord Staff (Pokémon Professor and VG Judge TPCI)

ElektroVGC: Co-Organizer, Limitless Judge, Discord Staff

Typ.Null07: Limitless Judge


ProfessorKai´s Tournaments



Grombrooklyn Gaming Rumble #140 Registrations
Grombrooklyn Gaming Rumble #150 Registrations
Grombrooklyn Gaming Rumble #160 Registrations
Grombrooklyn Gaming Rumble #170 Registrations
Grombrooklyn Gaming Rumble #180 Registrations
Grombrooklyn Gaming Rumble #190 Registrations
Grombrooklyn Gaming Rumble #200 Registrations


Pokemon Day Week X Grombrooklyn Gaming53
Grombrooklyn Gaming Rumble #1328
Grombrooklyn Gaming Rumble #1239
After Christmas Rumble (Reg G)59
Grombrooklyn Gaming Rumble #11 (Reg G!)15
Grombrooklyn Gaming Rumble #1024
Grombrooklyn Gaming Rumble #920
Grombrooklyn Gaming Rumble #852
Grombrooklyn Gaming Rumble #727
Grombrooklyn Gaming Reg H Rumble #624
Grombrookly Gaming Reg H Rumble #548
Grombrooklyn Gaming Reg H Rumble #465
Grombrooklyn Gaming Reg H Rumble #349
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