Organized by HM4coach & The Boys | |
Scarlet & Violet - Regulation H | |
![]() | Nintendo Switch |
The Sitrus-Series, will use the Regulation H ruleset. What will rein supreme? Dozo,psyspam,gholdengo,peli/arch rain or will something new be cooked up? GLHF, If you win with a Sitrus Berry on any of your Pokemon we will add you to the wall of fame in the discord.
:This Tournament will be an Open Team Sheet Tournament, so don’t forget to submit your team list
: Matches are Bo3 with 4 Swiss rounds at the minimum
: Top Cut is TBD based on entry amount (Bo3)
-Total Participants: Under 16 Players 4 Swiss Rounds Final Cut: Top 4
-Total Participants: 17-32 Players 5 Swiss Rounds Final Cut: Top 4/Top 8
-Total Participants: 33-64 Players 6 Swiss Rounds Final Cut: Top 8/Top 16
-Total Participants: 65-128 Players 7 Swiss Rounds Final Cut: X-2 Record or Better
-Total Participants: 129-226 Players 8 Swiss Rounds Final Cut: X-2 Record or Better
-Total Participants: 227+ Players 9 Swiss Rounds Final Cut: X-3 Record or Better
Thank you for joining, keep in mind we have about 3-5 judges per tour and be patient when you make a judge call.
Please join the discord for better communication during the tour, **TheSitrusServer**look for the "sitrus-series" channel
Money winners will be awarded through cash app or venmo. Winners will also be invited to the Nino Pokebros Invitational!!
Rules Teamsheet error will result in a game loss not a set loss. If you have a teamsheet error, notify your opponent before play begins to avoid a game loss. Teamsheet errors range from wrong moves, wrong tera types or wrong Pokemon. Disconnects are first up to the players, board states etc. If further discretion is needed on disconnects make sure to contact a judge but know we will most likely just have you replay the game. Judges have full authority to call any matches as they see fit. Don't be an asshat in chats.
This week in the Sitrus-Series we are donating to a family in need. We are going to take all donations through paypal,cash app, or [Donate link]( You have a chance to win some money along with donating to a family in need. Thank you so much. Marlee is the little girl you are helping. Raising $500 would be a goal for us and we are so thankful that we have a platform where we can help! This week we are giving $100 away to the top 4 for this week!! If we hit our goal we will increase prizing to $200. GLHF!