1.50 Squirtle (BCR-29)
1.50 Chien-Pao ex (PAL-61)
1.50 Porygon (UNB-154)
1.50 Porygon2 (DS-25)
1.50 Porygon-Z (UNB-157)
1.00 Blastoise (PLB-16)
1.00 Baltoy (SSH-101)
1.00 Claydol (GE-15)
1.00 Lapras (LM-8)
0.50 Wartortle (BCR-30)
0.50 Blastoise-GX (UNB-35)
0.50 Manaphy (BRS-41)
0.50 Radiant Greninja (ASR-46)
0.50 Porygon-Z LV.X (MD-100)
0.50 Reshiram (SHF-17)
0.50 Zekrom (VIV-60)
0.50 Mew (UNB-76)
0.50 Stakataka (UNB-106)
0.50 Guzzlord (CEC-136)
0.50 Ditto (LA-27)
3.50 VS Seeker
3.00 Rare Candy
2.00 Irida
2.00 Dive Ball
1.50 Nessa
1.50 Iono
1.50 Superior Energy Retrieval
1.50 Rescue Stretcher
1.00 Guzma
1.00 Field Blower
1.00 Computer Search
1.00 Luxury Ball
1.00 Float Stone
1.00 Brooklet Hill
1.00 Cynthia
1.00 Interviewer's Questions
1.00 Evolution Incense
1.00 Quick Ball
1.00 Special Charge
1.00 Ultra Ball
1.00 Fighting Fury Belt
1.00 Path to the Peak
0.50 Chaotic Swell
0.50 Arven
0.50 Battle Compressor
0.50 Nest Ball
5.00 Water Energy
2.00 Prism Energy
2.00 Rainbow Energy
1.50 Aurora Energy