Organized by Lax Station | |
Standard format | |
Webcam & Discord | |
!!! Start Time may vary !!!
This is an Impromptu tournament for practice. Practicing for League Challenge/Cups.
Legal Sets: E-G
Deck lists will be required and will be open.
It is preferred they are printed out. If they are in another language then the opposing player is allowed time to research the translated text!
Tournament will consist of 3 rounds of Swiss Best of 3 matches, No top cut!
!!! Number of Rounds and Top Cut will change depending on number of players. !!!
Must have 4 players at minimum for the tournament to happen.
Tournament Structure
Phase 1
3 Swiss Rounds - BO3
50 minutes per round
3 minute round check-in
Wins are worth 3 match points, ties 1