Epoch Tuesday 27.04.2021 TIME CHANGE MAINTENANCE
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Organized by Epoch Events
Tuesday, April 27, 2021
07:00 PM UTC
Standard format

Epoch logo

Hello everyone and welcome to Epoch Tuesday !

How does the event work?

The event takes form of a TCGO tournament with Swiss rounds and a topcut, played every Tuesday night at 6:30 PM GMT + 2 (European time).
Swiss rounds in Best of 1, 25 minutes and topcut in Best of 3, 50minutes. Standard format (Team Up to Battle Styles).

Tournament will start later than usual because there is a maintenance on TCGO!

What are the prizes?

Entry is 2 boosters of Battle Styles to send on TCGO to username TeamEpoch_ch Friend requests will be accepted daily so you can send the packs easily. All boosters will be redistributed as prizes. The exact prize structure will be announced in the Discord Server on the day of the tournament, depending on the number of players. You can contact SwissFiaro#1268 and Aronnax#1903 on Discord if you have any questions.

Rankings for Epoch Tuesday Events

Go check the points structure for Epoch Tuesday tournaments here: Points Structure and Rankings

The rankings are updated after each Epoch Tuesday event.

The top16 players in the rankings before each new Pokemon expansion comes out will receive TCGO boosters of the new set in the following quantity:

  • 1st: 16

  • 2nd: 12

  • TOP4: 6

  • TOP8: 4

  • TOP16: 2

(72 TCGO boosters in total, we would appreciate any donations or sponsors to have more prizes)

What should i know ? (tournament information)

  • Registration ends at 6:30 PM GMT+2. You need to send the 2 boosters packs on TCGO to TeamEpoch_ch until end of registration or you will be dropped from the event.

  • Check-in will begin at 5:30 GMT+2 and the tournament will start at 6:30 GMT+2.

  • Please submit your decklist in TCGO format until 6:30 GMT+2.

  • All players have 5 minutes to check-in before every match. Failure to check-in will result in a automatic game loss.

  • Problems during your match will be handled by a judge (use the yellow "Request a judge" button).

  • All players are required to be in our Discord Server, where we will update everyone about pairings and prizes. Join the Discord.

You can contact SwissFiaro#1268 and Aronnax#1903 on Discord if you have any questions about the tournament.

Can i watch the games live on stream ?

Each round, one player will be asked to share TCGO screen in the Discord stream channel (For our twitch.tv livestream).

How can i contact Epoch ?

Twitter: https://twitter.com/FiaroTv

Discord: https://discord.gg/Rn4DQ85h4z and ask SwissFiaro#1268

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/teamepoch_ch

Tournament Structure

Swiss Rounds
5 Swiss Rounds - BO1
30 minutes per round
5 minute round check-in
8 players advance to the next phase
3 Single Elimination Rounds - BO3
50 minutes per round
5 minute round check-in
Wins are worth 3 match points, ties 1