1.00 Chirrut Îmwe, One With The Force
0.43 Tarkintown
0.29 Security Complex
0.14 Catacombs of Cadera
0.14 Capital City
3.00 Yoda, Old Master
2.86 Obi-Wan Kenobi, Following Fate
2.57 Fleet Lieutenant
2.57 Wing Leader
2.29 Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight
2.14 R2-D2, Ignoring Protocol
2.14 C-3PO, Protocol Droid
1.86 System Patrol Craft
1.71 Rebel Pathfinder
1.29 Kanan Jarrus, Revealed Jedi
1.14 Sabine Wren, Explosives Artist
0.86 Mace Windu, Party Crasher
0.86 Restored ARC-170
0.86 Green Squadron A-Wing
0.86 Regional Governor
0.57 K-2SO, Cassian's Counterpart
0.57 Redemption, Medical Frigate
0.43 Wolffe, Suspicious Veteran
0.43 Guardian of the Whills
3.00 The Force Is With Me
2.71 It Binds All Things
2.00 Takedown
1.71 Force Throw
1.29 Vigilance
1.00 Open Fire
0.57 Make an Opening
0.43 For a Cause I Believe In
0.43 Bombing Run
0.14 Karabast
0.14 Repair
0.14 Moment of Peace
0.14 Vanquish
2.86 Jedi Lightsaber
2.14 Electrostaff
1.71 Luke's Lightsaber
0.71 Devotion
0.43 Entrenched
1.43 Vanquish
1.29 Devotion
1.14 Regional Governor
0.71 Forced Surrender
0.57 Disabling Fang Fighter
0.43 Takedown
0.43 Force Throw
0.29 Restored ARC-170
0.29 Bombing Run
0.29 Open Fire
0.29 Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight
0.14 System Patrol Craft
0.14 The Ghost, Spectre Home Base