1.00 General Grievous, General of the Droid Armies
0.50 Lair of Grievous
0.50 Death Watch Hideout
3.00 Separatist Commando
2.50 Tri-Droid Suppressor
2.00 The Invisible Hand, Imposing Flagship
1.50 Obedient Vanguard
1.50 Poggle the Lesser, Archduke of the Stalgasin Hive
1.50 Battle Droid Escort
1.50 Droid Commando
1.50 General's Guardian
1.50 Kraken, Confederate Tactician
1.50 OOM-Series Officer
1.50 Vanguard Droid Bomber
1.50 Confederate Tri-Fighter
1.50 Infiltrating Demolisher
1.50 Geonosis Patrol Fighter
1.50 Ruthless Raider
1.50 Heavy Persuader Tank
1.00 Droid Starfighter
1.00 Confederate Courier
1.00 Subjugating Starfighter
1.00 Tactical Droid Commander
1.00 Gor, Grievous's Pet
1.00 Soulless One, Customized for Grievous
1.00 Count Dooku, Fallen Jedi
0.50 MagnaGuard Wing Leader
0.50 Cad Bane, Hostage Taker
3.00 Droid Deployment
1.50 On the Doorstep
1.50 Blood Sport
1.50 Triple Dark Raid
1.50 Waylay
1.00 Political Pressure
1.00 Swoop Down
0.50 In Pursuit
0.50 Private Manufacturing
2.50 Grievous's Wheel Bike
0.50 Droid Cohort
1.50 No Good to Me Dead
1.50 Disabling Fang Fighter
1.00 Execute Order 66
0.50 Swoop Down