Bossk, Hunting His Prey
Energy Conversion Lab
2 Dengar, The Demolisher
3 Kylo’s TIE Silencer, Ruthlessly Efficient
2 Ryloth Militia
3 Superlaser Technician
3 Toro Calican, Ambitious Upstart
3 Punishing One, Dengar’s Jumpmaster
2 The Client, Dictated by Discretion
3 Jango Fett, Renowned Bounty Hunter
2 IG-11, I Cannot Be Captured
3 Ruthless Raider
3 Maul, Shadow Collective Visionary
3 Darth Vader, Commanding the First Legion
2 Timely Intervention
2 Force Choke
2 Resupply
1 Open Fire
3 Overwhelming Barrage
2 Guild Target
3 Bounty Hunter’s Quarry
3 Price on Your Head
1 Force Choke
2 Open Fire
1 The Client, Dictated by Discretion
1 Resupply
1 Palpatine’s Return
2 Krayt Dragon
1 Relentless, Konstantine's Folly
1 Devastator, Inescapable