Organized by Blazing Exeggutor Crew | |
![]() | Custom format |
Welcome to the Blazing Exeggutor crew’s Blazing Battle Tower! Below you will find more information about this multi tournament format with grueling challenges and intense battles spanning across 6 tournaments and in-house battles where you will battle it out for a prize pool of 1100$ USD 
We require you to join our Discord to participate in our tournaments Please join here , You must join the discord and submit your team to discord in order to be given the code to this tournament, a guide is in the discord with more information. You can not receive payment if you are not in the discord and have a PayPal account. Please ensure both are done prior to registration
You are free to join our other socials as well, so you won't miss out on any announcements:
Tournament start time is going to be 8pm GMT time
I have 0 sympathy for those that dont read the rules. We will not argue you will either just lose or be kicked, If you have any questions whatsoever ask in the discord in the appropriate channel so we can answer it for you.
Prize Pool
1st: 600$
2nd: 300$
3rd & 4th: 100$
Tournament Entry is completely FREE
In our discord we will have multiple channels to stream your game if you wish to be featured on the twitch channel.
- To prevent cheating only one member is allowed to stream per channel and only staff members can join in order to stream it to the twitch channel, stream will be modified to ensure that no advantage is given to any player, if you wish to stream notify a staff member in discord to gain access to one of the channels. We may ask some members to stream during the tournament so please be advised, you are more than welcome to decline and no one is required stream. However you must have the ability to stream in the event of a problem or you make it to the higher floors.
Structure: The first 3 Floors of the tower( first three tournaments) will be 3 rounds of BO3 swiss. The second phase is just to determine who gets the cash prize of each floor. This will be replicated on the middle floors.
Teams: 32 teams(Max) will compete
Advancing : The goal is to win 2 rounds to gain one point in order to advance to the next floor you need 2 points so you have to win a total of 4 rounds in 3 tournaments. (First 16 teams to achieve 2 points will advance to the next floor)
Advancement Part 2: In the event hat we do not have 16 teams that have 2 points we will have small matches within the server to see the few teams left who will join the other teams that already have 2 points or more.
Top 16: will compete that following week on the next 3 floors(tournaments) same rules apply. 3 BO3 swiss rounds first 8 teams to 2 points will advance to the final floors. In the event that there is not enough teams that qualify we will hold battles within the server for the last few spots same as before.
Speed: Again there is a small chance that more than 16 and 8 teams advance and that also means that speed plays a factor, please note that I said the first teams, meaning those that do it faster than you also progress the tower faster than you just like in real life.
Top Floors: All of the top floor matches will be held in house on the discord server during phase two after a 1 week break. All information will be in the discord and will no longer be on limitless.
Round time will be 1hr which should be plenty of time to play 3 matches.
Deck Format:
- Deck Rules: Each tournament will have special rules and those rules will be announced and updated at the end of each tournament. (except this first one of course. It will be updated 1 week prior to start time.)
Team Format:
Size: Each team will have a minimum of 3 players with no more than 9. How to register your team has been placed in discord along with further information if you need to look for members.
Structure: Each team will have a captain and that captain decides who plays and who gets added and dropped from the team and must inform us prior to drop otherwise it may not be allowed.
Gameplay: No swapping will be allowed mid tournament. The players registered will be the player that play. If a player can not play that needs to be coordinated before tournament start.
Gameplay cont.: While each member is not required to play each member will be paid if you make it to the top 4 in the later floors.
Team name: You may not change team name once picked
Switching teams/recruiting: Teams are allowed to swap players/recruit and those people are allowed to try to join new teams however this only last until the top 8. Meaning once the top 8 teams are left no swapping or changing team members or teams will be allowed and everyone on your team will remain and can not be dropped.
Decklist Submission: You must submit your decklist on Limitless. Players are allowed to submit their decklist late however please be mindful that we will closely monitor top ensure no cheating or foul play occurs.
Check-in policy: You must check-in for each match within 10 minutes. Failing to do so will result in an automatic round loss. If you opponent waits 5 minutes on you they will be given 1 match point per 5 minutes.
Incorrect deck: If you've chosen the wrong deck at the beginning of a match, do not start to play and restart immediately. Pressing "start play" results in an immediate match loss. Starting from the second offense, a match loss will be assigned each time.
Bugs and Glitches: If you encounter issues like game freezing, internet problems, or crashes, it will result in a match loss for the affected player, unless the game can be continued. If the issue occurs at the start or a player can't load in, screenshots with 0 turns won't give a win
Completed matches: After completing your matches, please remember to submit the results. Be sure to keep screenshots of each round in case any disputes arise.
Ties: If a tie occurs within the game please take a screenshot(both players) and replay that match until a winner is decided.
Accountability: Please screenshot all wins and losses regardless of circumstance and make sure to include timestamp and name within the screenshot otherwise it will be invalid.
Bad manners and Inappropriate behavior: Players displaying bad manners toward others or staff will receive an immediate game loss. Continued misconduct may lead to disqualification, while further offenses could result in a season-long ban. Bad manners include insults, toxicity, bullying, and harassment.
Streaming: Players are welcome to stream and record their matches on any platform. However, those found guilty of stream sniping or using their opponent's stream for an unfair advantage will face immediate disqualification.
Some streaming will also be done by our tournament staff, anyone who wishes not to be on stream must let us know beforehand that way we can make sure to not include or skip you during our streaming sessions.
Call a Judge: If you encounter any issues with Limitless, the game or your opponent, please use the "Call a Judge" feature within Limitless. A judge will join your chat and help you with your problem.
Starting the match: To start the match you will use the limitless chat function to share the code, if there is problem sharing the code in the chat on limitless you will use discord to ensure that the code can be copied appropriately, discord name must match Limitless name. you can change name in discord, if you are having a problem please ask within the server.
Additionally any unforeseen issues not mentioned above please take a screenshot and annotate said issue and submit it to our discord in the #tournament-issues section. Additionally if the problem is very severe also email us at blazing
End of beginner floor Prize:
- 1st place on each floor is 45$
- 2nd is 15$
- Prize is split among the participating team
Contact Us:
You can find us on our discord at:
You can email us at:
The next tournament will be posted 2 weeks before the start date to ensure everyone has time to prep.