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Organized by Turtle Squad
Standard format

Please join our discord for updates/changes: https://discord.gg/jQ3AM9GGUW

Please call the judge if there is any issues at all. Thank you and have fun

Band/Watchlist https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xu2Z9WnhuByCCSNKxPXpy11vFm0ie9QIBqGb4CusKGI/edit?tab=t.0

Past winners document https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MHqK2xeKKBphWCSXqMbODNic8459HAZ4e-UeOQS7bzU/edit?tab=t.0

For New Players we would Recommend you to watch this video https://youtu.be/UjozdWkF-bY?si=gUVr7KUWep-S-LaV

Amount of rounds as Follow before late entries

5-8 players 3 rounds no cut

9-14 players 4 rounds - Top cut

15-20 players 5 rounds - Top cut

21-30 players 5 rounds - Top cut

31-70 players 6 rounds - Top cut

71-256 Players 7 rounds - Top cut

257-512 players 8 rounds Top cut

513-1024 players 9 rounds Top cut


All rounds are played in one day and X-2 makes cut no matter what

You are to play the deck you submit to the event and you are not allowed to change anything about your deck, or the entire deck itself throughout the entire event. So it is Recommended to make sure you submit the deck you want to play for the event and that all of the cards are correct. So if You submit Alakazam You cannot put in the match chat

I play 2 Pikachu ex A1 96 1 Pikachu A1 94

1 Raichu A1 95

1 Voltorb A1 99

1 Electrode A1 100

1 Magnemite A1 97

1 Magneton A1 98

1 Zapdos ex A1 104

2 Professor's Research P-A 7

2 Sabrina A1 225

1 Lt. Surge A1 226

1 Giovanni A1 223

2 Poké Ball P-A 5

2 X Speed P-A 2

1 Red Card P-A 6

When you Submmited

2 Abra A1 115

2 Kadabra A1 116

2 Alakazam A1 117

2 Koffing A1 176

2 Weezing A1 177

1 Mew ex A1a 32

2 Professor's Research P-A 7

1 Budding Expeditioner A1a 66

2 Potion P-A 1

2 X Speed P-A 2

2 Poké Ball P-A 5

Next if a match ends in a tie it will stay as a tie unless a match result was reported or u can prove your opp is slow playing

If all games in a round finish the next round will begin so please pay attention to your dashboard

Tournament Structure

Phase 1
7 Swiss Rounds - BO1
25 minutes per round
5 minute round check-in
players with 15 or more points advance to the next phase
Top Cut Win = Auto Invite
Single Elimination Bracket - BO3
untimed matches
no match check-in
Wins are worth 3 match points, ties 1