BigBig Fujiyama cup #3
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Organized by Team Fujiyama
Standard format

Welcome to Fujiyama in Nishizawa

〇Deck Regulations:

Deck lists must be submitted and verified before the tournament begins. No deck changes are allowed once the tournament starts. Please use to search for your cards and build your deck and then save it and share/export it as a text to submit on limitless.

〇Incorrect deck:

If you've chosen the wrong deck at the beginning of round 1, do not start to play and restart immediately. Pressing "start play" results in an immediate match loss. Starting from the second offense, a match loss will be assigned each time. Choosing a wrong deck at a later round will result in an immediate match loss from the first offense.

〇Gameplay Conduct:

Players must arrive on time and check-in for their matches. Not checking-in in the allotted time will result in an automatic loss. If a player arrives just before the check-in period ends and feels disrespected without any explanation or apology, please call a judge as that player may be disqualified.

〇Fair Play:

No cheating, collusion, bug abusing, or unsportsmanlike behavior. If a player suspects cheating, they should screenshot any proof and notify a judge immediately. Players must respect their opponents and judges.


Judges have the final say in all rulings and disputes. Feel free to call a judge if you feel you need one. Players must respect and follow the decisions made by judges. Please try to screenshot any proof and submit any screenshots you have to the discord.

〇Reporting Results:

Players are responsible for reporting match results on limitless.

〇Code of Conduct:

No offensive language or behavior. This will lead to an instant DQ.

〇Connection Issues:

If you have a screenshot saying Victory and it shows your opponent's name then you will win the round. If you do not have a screenshot of the connection issue/abandon as stated above then you will be required to match and play the round again.


Your in game name on limitless must match your in game name on PTCGP. If you connect with a different name then you will be required to access the account with the right name to play. Failure to do so when asked will be a DQ.

〇For questions or other support, please join us on Discord.

Tournament Structure

Phase 1
7 Swiss Rounds - BO1
20 minutes per round
6 minute round check-in
players with 15 or more points advance to the next phase
Phase 2
5 Single Elimination Rounds - BO3
untimed rounds
15 minute round check-in
Wins are worth 3 match points, ties 1