Weiß Schwarz ~PRIZE POOL~ (Japanese Edition)
Organized by Juicebox Events

This is NOT a Pokemon tournament; this is for a card game called Weiß Schwarz

This tournament will cost £3 to enter. Entry will be taken using our Ko-Fi link, more information can be found on our Discord server.


100% of the entry fees will be awarded to the tournament winner, which means if you win you will get £3 per player entered! Payment will be sent in GBP via PayPal; if you cannot accept this form of payment, we will discuss options, but there is no guarantee we can accommodate another payment method.

Tournament Rules

Games will take place over Webcam in our Discord server, so you must be joined and the name you use on Limitless TCG should match your Discord username.

Players will have 40 minutes to find their opponent and finish their game. If your opponent is late by 5 or more minutes, let a member of staff know ASAP so we can award a warning and keep track of the situation. If your opponent is late by 10 minutes, you will automatically be awarded the win. Any players who are late and do not contact a member of staff before the end of a given round will be disqualified.

Once a game has concluded, both players should report the result using the tournament page on Limitless TCG.

Tournaments will consist of Best-of-1 Swiss rounds, the number of rounds are determined by the number of players present when Round 1 starts:

  • 6-8 players: 3 rounds
  • 9-16 players: 4 rounds
  • 17-32 players: 5 rounds
  • 33-64 players: 6 rounds

There will also be a Single-Elimination Top Cut phase, the number of players who qualify will be determined by the number of players present when Round 1 starts:

  • 4-7 players: No Top Cut phase
  • 8-15 players: Top 4
  • 16-64 players: Top 8

Tournament Structure

3 Swiss Rounds - BO1
40 minutes per round
no round check-in
Wins are worth 1 match point, ties 0