🏋️🌐 Narnia's Training Grounds #6 🌐🏋️
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Organized by Nuggie's Narnia
Standard format


Narnia's Training Grounds is your go to place to practice and try deck ideas in a tourney setting before the big events on the weekend.

This is designed to be a quicker format for those who enjoy TCG Pocket PvP. If you have any questions, feel free to ask the team in Discord.


There will be no Twitch stream with this tourney. Everything will be managed and communicated through Discord. Make sure you join to keep inform and also so the team can assist you during the tourney.

Tournament Information

  • There are no deck restrictions, so feel free to submit a deck you think might work for a tourney and let it cook!
  • Each Swiss Round is Best of One (1) and is 20 Minutes in duration. You will have 5 Minutes to Check In each round.
  • You can only use 1 Deck that you've submitted on Limitless TCG site as part of registration. Decks cannot be changed after the tournament has begun.
  • Check In will begin 60 minutes before the tournament begins. Players who do not check-in will be dropped from the tournament but may join via. late registration.
  • Top Cut will begin immediately after the Swiss Rounds have finished.
  • Swiss Rounds and Top Cut may be adjusted depending on the level of interest observed and the number of registrations.

Tourney Rules

Failure to comply with any of the rules below will result in a game loss, to being disqualified and being ban from future tournaments depending on the seriousness of the offence:

  • Always ensure that you have timed screenshots to prove the claim you are trying to prove in the event of a dispute.
  • Any proven instance of cheating or using tools to gain an advantage will result in a disqualification.
  • In the event where you run out of time for the Swiss Round it will count as a tie, unless both players agree to override the results. This must be done before the Swiss Round ends via. assistance from a Judge.
  • In the event of connection issues, 1) if the issue occurs at the beginning of the match before the game begins, players should try again, or 2) if the issue occurs mid-match, the player with the victory screen will be deemed the winner.
  • In the event of failing to check-in on time, the match can continue if both players agree, otherwise the player who failed to check-in will record a loss.

Contacting Judges

The first point of contact should always be Request a Judge during matches. Any other judge related matters can be brought to our attention in our public Discord channels.


There are no prizes associated, however you will be recognize for your efforts in Discord.


Twitter/X: https://x.com/Nuggie_D

Tournament Structure

Swiss Rounds
6 Swiss Rounds - BO1
20 minutes per round
5 minute round check-in
16 players advance to the next phase
Top Cut
Single Elimination Bracket - BO3
untimed matches
no match check-in
Wins are worth 1 match point, ties 0