Yo Club 中文比赛 Welcome everyone
Organized by Yo PTCGP
Standard format


Welcome players from all over the world to participate in the competition!


This competition is free to participate in, and there will be no prizes until sponsorship is secured.


Contract us:

QQ: 905141277

Discord: https://discord.gg/BTD6jxjSZ3


The competition is divided into the Swiss rounds and the knockout stage. Players with good results in the Swiss rounds will advance to the knockout stage. The entire competition adopts a best-of-three (BO3) system. The number of Swiss rounds and the number of players advancing to the next stage will be determined according to the actual number of participants.



Decklist Submission:

All cards can be used. You must submit your decklist on Limitless. Please ensure that the deck you are using is consistent with the submitted deck, and it is not allowed to replace the deck midway.



Check-in policy:

You must check-in for each match within 5 minutes. Failing to do so will result in an automatic round loss. If check in and go AFK( away from your keyboard/phone), you will receive a match loss every 5 minutes. The check-in time for the Final Few will be removed this means that if your opponent waits 10 minutes on you then you will lose the round



Incorrect deck:

If you've chosen the wrong deck at the beginning of a match, do not start to play and restart immediately. Pressing "start play" results in an immediate match loss. Starting from the second offense, a match loss will be assigned each time.



Bugs and Glitches:

If you encounter issues like game freezing, internet problems, or crashes, it will result in a match loss for the affected player, unless the game can be continued. If the issue occurs at the start or a player can't load in, screenshots with 0 turns won't give a win



Completed matches:

After completing your matches, please remember to submit the results. Be sure to keep screenshots of each round in case any disputes arise.




If a tie occurs within the game please take a screenshot(both players) and replay that match until a winner is decided. During the entire competition, intentionally agreeing to a draw is strictly prohibited.




Please screenshot all wins and losses regardless of circumstance and make sure to include timestamp and name within the screenshot otherwise it will be invalid.



Bad manners and Inappropriate behavior:

Players displaying bad manners toward others or staff will receive an immediate game loss. Continued misconduct may lead to disqualification, while further offenses could result in a season-long ban. Bad manners include insults, toxicity, bullying, and harassment.





Players are welcome to stream and record their matches on any platform. However, those found guilty of stream sniping or using their opponent's stream for an unfair advantage will face immediate disqualification. Some streaming will also be done by our tournament staff, anyone who wishes not to be on stream must let us know beforehand that way we can make sure to not include or skip you during our streaming sessions.



Call a Judge:

If you encounter any issues with Limitless, the game or your opponent, please use the "Call a Judge" feature within Limitless. A judge will join your chat and help you with your problem.



Starting the match:

To start the match you will use the limitless chat function to share the code, if there is problem sharing the code in the chat on limitless you will use discord to ensure that the code can be copied appropriately, discord name must match Limitless name. you can change name in discord, if you are having a problem please ask within the server.



• 4 - 8名选手:进行3轮瑞士轮,不设淘汰赛(前几名晋级环节)。

• 9 - 16名选手:进行4轮瑞士轮,前4名晋级淘汰赛。

• 17 - 32名选手:进行6轮瑞士轮,前8名晋级淘汰赛。

• 33 - 64名选手:进行7轮瑞士轮,前8名晋级淘汰赛。

• 65 - 128名选手:进行6轮瑞士轮,前16名晋级淘汰赛。

• 129 - 256名选手:进行7轮瑞士轮,前16名晋级淘汰赛。

• 256 - 512名选手:进行8轮瑞士轮,前16名晋级淘汰赛。

• 513 - 1024名选手:进行9轮瑞士轮,在第二天前32名晋级淘汰赛。

• 1025 - 2048名选手:进行10轮瑞士轮,在第二天前64名晋级淘汰赛。

• 2049名及以上选手:进行10轮瑞士轮,在第二天前64名晋级淘汰赛 。

Number of Rounds

The number of Rounds will be dependent on the number of participants that check in and submit a decklist.

4-8 players = 3 Swiss Rounds, and no Top Cut

9-16 players = 4 Swiss Rounds, and Top 4 Cut

17-32 players = 6 Swiss Rounds, and Top 8 Cut

33-64 players = 7 Swiss Rounds, and Top 8 Cut

65-128 players = 6 Swiss Rounds, and Top 16 Cut

129-256 players = 7 Swiss Rounds, and Top 16 Cut

256-512 players = 8 Swiss Rounds, and Top 16 Cut

513-1024 players = 9 Swiss Rounds, and Top 32 Cut on Day 2

1025-2048 players = 10 Swiss Rounds, and Top 64 Cut on Day 2

2049+ players = 10 Swiss Rounds, and Top 64 Cut on Day 2

Tournament Structure

Swiss Rounds
6 Swiss Rounds - BO3
40 minutes per round
5 minute round check-in
16 players advance to the next phase
Top Cut
Single Elimination Bracket - BO3
untimed matches
no match check-in
Wins are worth 3 match points, ties 1