Jester's Weekly Casual #6
Organized by JesterTCG
Standard format
Pokémon TCG Live

Welcome to this Jester's Championship Series Tournament!

The event will be hosted through Pokémon TCG Live, with any Chat/Evidence submission on Discord:

Prize Pool

WINNER - 10 Mixed PTCGL codes

FINALIST - 8 Mixed PTCGL codes

TOP 4 - 6 Mixed PTCGL codes

TOP 8 - 2 Mixed PTCGL codes

Codes are currently coming from my personal stack of spare codes, so there will be some variety in sets and products, if you're looking to sponsor an event, don't hesitate to get into contact with us! Prizing will be distributed the next day via Limitless.


Please make sure to check the event schedule to make sure you are checking in at the correct time!


9-16 players - 4 Swiss Rounds

17-32 players - 5 Swiss Rounds

33-64 players - 6 Swiss Rounds

65-128 players - 7 Swiss Rounds

Wins are worth 3 match point, ties 1

If no winner has been selected before the round timer reaches zero the match will be considered a draw automatically. If a match ends in a tie via timeout, and you'd like to dispute the result, call a Judge with evidence ready via screenshot within 30 seconds of time being called, otherwise we will move on with the tournament.

Tournament Rules

You must check in to the tournament and to each round within the 3 minute timer, failing to check in will result in a match loss.

The next round will be paired once all matches are complete, please keep an eye on your dashboard to make sure you check-in on time.

Check you have selected the correct deck before sending or accepting a match request, as starting a game with the wrong deck will result in a match loss.

If you think your opponent is slow playing please call a judge as early as possible, with screenshots or video showing the in-game timer posted to the Discord as evidence. (, #jesters-championship-series channel ) We have a rule behind the scenes on what we consider slow play, and that will be considered for any slow play calls.

In the event of any PTCGL bugs, glitches or disconnects the win will be given to the player with the in-game Victory screen, as we cannot view every game directly. It is advisable to take a screenshot of your win screen in case there is any dispute about the result.

Unsportsmanlike behaviour towards other players or judges will result in a disqualification and ban from future tournaments.

Due to issues with Limitless struggling to handle large tournaments that happen at the same time, we may need to delay the start of the Tournament/Rounds just to let Limitless catch up with demand!

To help us answer your questions more quickly, please type any messages to the judge team in English, unfortunately we only have English speaking staff, but we are trying our best to accommodate as many people as possible.

If an issue can't be resolved with evidence within 5 minutes of a Judge responding to any calls, we will have to move on with the Tournament, so please be ready with screenshots.

Tournament Structure

6 Swiss Rounds - BO1
30 minutes per round
3 minute round check-in
Wins are worth 3 match points, ties 1