EX-treme Tournament #3 (USA)
Organized by To The EX-treme
Standard format


Submit Deck Lists: Every player must submit their deck before the start of the tournament. Decks cannot be changed between rounds in any way.
Check Ins: Players must check into the tournament before it begins and before each round. Check in for the tournament begins 10 minutes before start time.
Check Ins: Players must be ready to play when their next round has started. If a player is not present with 5 minutes of a round starting, they will be disqualified.

Tournament is based in the USA, but all countries are welcome.

If there are any more questions, please contact Isopod_Evil_Forme on the discord server.

Tournament Structure

Single Elimination Bracket - BO3
untimed matches
no match check-in
Wins are worth 1 match point, ties 0