R4pt0r´s DACH/TNG locals 74
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Organized by Team Nordic Gap
Standard format

Digimon TCG DACH Weekly Tournament #74 - hosted by TNG

Welcome Tamers!

The tournament series is coming up again. Get your cards out and digivolve your way to victory! Win a 5€ card from the card pool, Sealed TP Packs or other prizes.

The tournament is played via Webcam in the DACH Discord.

Please don't forget to get the competitive role from the "Channels & Role" section beforehand!!!

Tournament Information

- No entry fee
- Winner can choose out of the Pricepool
- Format: S.B. 2.5 + EX8
- Unlimited Proxies from all sets! ( At least b/w print)
- No side deck, usual mulligan
- Timeoutrules= 50 Mins until timeout +5 Mins or 3 extra turns (+active turn)

Tournament Structure

4 Swiss Rounds - BO3
52 minutes per round
no round check-in
Wins are worth 3 match points, ties 1