🏆 Best of the Rest #12 🏆 25 Prismatic Evo Codes✨
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Organized by RogueTrainerPTC
Standard format
Pokémon TCG Live


⚠️ IMPORTANT LATE NOTICE: ⚠️ Due to a bug found in PTCGL, We are now banning ALL Pikachu EX cards from the event until further Notice, The Ban List Will be updated and will apply to all variants of Pikachu EX.

This Tournament is a NEW and exciting showcase of players and decks that are just outside of the competitive meta. It has been set up with the sole intention of allowing players to comfortably bring there favourite decks to a competitive scene. This prevents having to consistently worry about being pushed out of the game by decks that are dominating the Casual and Ranked Meta of the Pokemon Trading Card Game Live.

A lot of discussions within the Pokemon TCG community are concerns that certain fun decks are not given the shine, time or treatment under the current meta structure of the game. With Certain cards forcing players to be unable to play there favourite decks. One of the main frustrations voiced was there was no where to just play fun decks.

Well Fear not, we have your back Trainers.....

This new tournament utilizes the data and information provided on limitless to rule out the Top 15 meta decks and select cards from those decks in a ban list exclusive to these Tournaments (Limited only to Pokemon). This data and subsequently the ban list, will change on a weekly basis. This will allow for a unique and entertaining Tournament structure in which multiple decks could throw off or challenge for the title of "Best of the Rest". The Ban List MAY also take cards from the online results of previous events/tournaments.

The top two decks in the finals of each week will have cards selected from them and will also be banned on a monthly Rotation. This means that although some of the banned cards may not be in the top 15 meta, we will be able to give players the best opportunity to showcase more.

Joining our Discord is advised for Information relating to the Tournaments... RogueTrainerPTC Discord Server

As the limitlesstcg.com site has an option for open/closed deck lists we will be running all Tournaments with an OPEN deck list structure. It is the players responsibility to ensure they check the ⁠tournament-ban-list or ban list on the limitlesstcg Tournament details page to ensure it is legal for play that week. Players found to be using cards that are exempt from being played will be awarded a game loss and removed from that Tournament.

Please note: The phases listed below are subject to change along with the schedule during the event, so please keep checking your dashboard. This is based on total players and the time taken to complete each round. The shedule and phases listed below are a Guideline only

Please ensure you join discord, Top cut players are encouraged to be able to stream the finals to the discord voice channel.


25 codes distributed as follows,

  • 1st Place: 10 Codes
  • 2nd Place: 5 Codes
  • 3rd Place: 5 codes
  • 4th Place: 5 Codes


  • Swiss Round BO1 matches are 30 minutes long with 5 mins of Check In per round
  • Top Cut BO3 matches are untimed long with no Check In. If your opponent is inactive for more than 5 minutes, please call a judge, and we will likely issue a Game Loss to your opponent for inactivity.
  • A GAME LOSS will be awarded to ANY player found using decks containing the list of cards banned for the duration of each Tournament
  • When time is called during Swiss Rounds BO1 the game will be a Tie, unless otherwise stated by Staff
  • If you believe your opponent is "Playing Slowly", please call a Judge as early as possible. The only acceptable forms of proof are: streaming your game in the RogueTrainerPTC Discord Server or your opponent admitting to "Playing Slowly"
  • If you experience any of the following, but not limited to: Game Freezing, Internet Issues, Server Issues, Game Lag, Software Glitch, Device Crashing - it will be awarded as a Game Loss to the player experiencing the issue if the game is unusable.
  • All games MUST be reported on Limitless before time has been called for the round otherwise they will be a "Tie". You can concede to your opponent to give them the "Win", but if there isn't a recorded result before time is called, it will stay a "Tie"
  • It is strongly recommended to have screenshot proof of any win or tie upon the conclusion of a game. If you leave a game without explicitly stating "time is over, this is a tie" or something similar, it could be perceived as a concession.
  • Players are allowed to stream their personal event experience on any streaming service and it is recommended to have a delay on your stream to avoid "stream sniping" or any other disadvantages. Any advantages gained by streaming, such as receiving assistance from your audience, can lead to penalties after staff investigates the situation.
  • It is the players responsibility to Check In prior to each match - failure to do so will result in an automatic Game Loss.
  • If you aren't familiar with the Play Limitless website or need additional information, please visit the Help Page https://play.limitlesstcg.com/help
  • NOT All cards are considered "legal for play" even if they are in the standard format rotation. This is due to the specific tournament regulations we have set in place.
  • Please Note: This Ban List is subject to change each week depending on the limitless Meta Statistics. The CURRENT ban list is listed in our discord server RogueTrainerPTC Discord Server and available on the top right of this page.


  • 4-8 players = 3 Swiss Rounds, and no Top Cut
  • 9-16 players = 4 Swiss Rounds, and no Top Cut
  • 17-32 players = 5 Swiss Rounds, and Top 4 Cut
  • 33-64 players = 6 Swiss Rounds, and Top 8 Cut
  • 65-128 players = 8 Swiss Rounds and Top 16 Cut
  • 129-512 players = 9 Swiss Rounds and Top 16 Cut
  • 513-1024 players = 10 Swiss Rounds and Top 16 Cut

Social Media:

Tournament Structure

5 Swiss Rounds - BO1
30 minutes per round
5 minute round check-in
4 players advance to the next phase
Top Cut
Single Elimination Bracket - BO3
untimed matches
no match check-in
Wins are worth 3 match points, ties 1