Eagle's Nest Gundam BETA Win-A-Resource Locals!!!
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Organized by The Eagle's Nest

Welcome to the Eagle's Nest Webcam Locals!!!

General Info

Welcome to The Eagle's Nest Webcam Locals! We are one of the largest webcam locals attended hosted by many judges and organizers with years of experience! This event will be using the rules of NO SIDEDECKS, best of one, 30 minute rounds, and 5 minutes of overtime. Deck lists will be submitted via limitless. Proxies will be allowed for usage in this event to help get players into the game:

Rules & Format

  • Format: BETA 64 player cap, Best of One, 30 minute rounds. PROXIES ALLOWED
  • When: Feb 26th
  • Time: 7:00pm CST/8:00pm EST start time
  • Restriction/Banlist: N/A
  • Where: Discord The Eagle's Nest

Please make sure you are in the Eagle's Nest discord also as the events will be held there (and don't forget to agree to the rules before you can gain access to the server)!

You must grab one of the server roles in the #Channels & Roles tab to gain access to the tournament area.

How to Enter

  1. Send your $5 entry payment on Paypal via FF: ZACHARIAHNPRATHER@YAHOO.COM
    • In the notes please leave "Discord Name/Limitless Name Wednesdays"
  2. Register to the tournament on this limitless page
  3. Submit your decklist here on the GOOGLE FORM

If there are any issues or questions with the steps above, then you can DM EagleX and we will try to help as quick as possible.

0-161st - 1 Resource (RP-001) Promo Heero Yuy Card
17-341st/2nd - 1 Resource (RP-001) Promo Heero Yuy Card
3rd/4th - $10 cash
35-501st/2nd - 1 Resource (RP-001) Promo Heero Yuy Card
3rd-8th - $10 cash
51-641st/2nd - 1 Resource (RP-001) Promo Heero Yuy Card
3rd-10th - $15 cash
Prizing will scale based on the number of participants. If events reach a cap of 64 players, we'll update the prize breakdown to reflect this. Resources won in these events may be sold back to EagleX with a cash equivalent of $30 per resource.

Other Details

  • A judge will be available throughout the tournament. If you need assistance, please use the @judge ping in the judge-request channel.
  • Tables are numbered 1-32, corresponding to the voice channels in the Eagle's Nest Cord.
  • If all tables finish before the timer runs out, we might advance to the next round earlier.
  • Spectating is allowed; please remain muted while spectating.
  • Overtime rules are as follows: you have 0-3 turns to complete the match, or it will result in a draw.
  • We will play a minimum of 3 rounds for this tournament. Typically, the tournament would end when an undefeated player is determined, but to avoid one-round tournaments, this rule ensures we have at least 3 rounds. Additionally, the top table(s) in the final round will have no timer so they can finish their set.

Tournament Structure

Phase 1
5 Swiss Rounds - BO1
31 minutes per round
no round check-in
Wins are worth 3 match points, ties 1