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Organized by Aldrich
Sunday, February 9, 2025
09:00 AM UTC
Scarlet & Violet - Regulation G
Nintendo Switch

Format: Swiss rounds based on attendance(refer to table below). X-2 bo1 OTS Bo3 top cut if there are 17 or more players (Round 1)

Swiss Table

Platform: All games will be played on Nintendo Switch, unless there is a disconnection rule that apply where the players have to play on Pokemon Showdown

Players are required to join the discord server to get round updates and future tournaments announcements:

Don't forget to react on #reaction-roles to grab @Tour players role to get pinged for announcements

using the same lead.

  • DC again in the early game? Replay the game on Showdown, same lead

  • If you're late into the game, was there a clear and obvious winner in the match? The player withRegarding Tournament Issues

  • Opponent not showing up

You will get a round win if your opponent doesn't show up until the check in timer runs out.

  • Team Sheet Error

You are allowed to claim round win if there is/are disrespancie(s) between your opponent's open team sheet and in-game team, but feel free to do gentlemen agreements to keep playing if both sides agree. Be sure to take a screenshot for evidence first! If occurs before the match starts, players are allowed to fix their in-game team first.

  • Disconnection

Ah yes, the common occurrence in most Asian countries. Make sure to take a screenshot so it'll help with our staffs' investigation, and call a judge. But for transparency's sake these rulings shall occur depending on the state of the match:

  • Are you early into the game? If so, we will ask you to restart the game the advantage will be declared a winner

  • Can't agree on who's in winning position? Either the judge will determine the winner based on the evidence gathered or you can just do a bo1 on Showdown, winner wins the round.

  • Feedback

If you have any feedback, such as starting time or preference to simulators, please share it with us in the Discord server, so we can improve the tournament experience.

Tournament Structure

4 Swiss Rounds - BO1
60 minutes per round
8 minute round check-in
4 players advance to the next phase
2 Single Elimination Rounds - BO3
untimed rounds
no round check-in
4 players advance to the next phase
Single Elimination Bracket - BO3
untimed matches
no match check-in
Wins are worth 1 match point, ties 0