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Organized by Brooklan Battle Stadium
Pokémon GO

How to create a Pokémon GO Teamsheet:

Play! Pokemon Rules

  • Show-six-pick three (Open Team Sheets) Best of Three.

  • Swiss rounds and Top Cut are dependent on player count.

  • Open Great League only (1500 CP and below)

  • Rounds are 30 Minutes. Failure to communicate within the first 5 minutes is a game loss, and an additional 5 minutes is a round loss.

  • Team selection is 120 seconds, any changes to any teams will result in a game loss.

  • Tournament Registration must include a full team of six Pokémon with moves and CP listed.

  • Any in-game issues (such as frame drops, missed fast moves, unable to throw charge attacks, lag, etc.) can be reported or resolved between participants if the issue clearly affected the game outcome.

  • No offensive language (Slurs, or hate speech will result in DQ from the tournament, plus a tournament ban)

  • Please select "Pokemon GO Competitive" when joining the Discord server

  • Have fun and don't take a loss personally this is just practice ;)

Banned Pokémon

  • Skiddo

  • Gogoat

  • Muk with the Fast Attack Acid

  • Koffing with the Fast Attack Acid

  • Weezing with the Fast Attack Acid

  • Chansey with the Charged Attack Psybeam

  • Staryu with the Fast Attack Quick Attack

  • Starmie with the Fast Attack Quick Attack

  • Porygon with the Fast Attack Quick Attack

  • Pichu with the Fast Attack Quick Attack

Discord Link:

How to create a Pokémon GO Teamsheet:

Tournament Structure

3 Swiss Rounds - BO3
30 minutes per round
no round check-in
Wins are worth 3 match points, ties 1