4 Duskmon (BT18-078)
4 Velgrmon (BT18-079)
2 Argomon (BT17-048)
4 BeelStarmon (BT6-112)
4 MedievalGallantmon (EX8-074)
2 MoonMillenniummon (BT19-075)
4 Violet Inboots (BT18-093)
4 Koichi Kimura (BT7-091)
4 Shoto Kazama (EX7-064)
3 Matt Ishida (BT2-090)
4 Rival's Barrage (ST14-12)
3 Fly Bullet (BT6-109)
2 Shine of Bee (BT16-095)
2 Happy Bullet Showering (BT6-095)
2 Heaven's Judgement (EX4-068)
1 Calling From the Darkness (BT7-107)
1 Seventh Fascination (EX7-072)
4 Mother D-Reaper (EX2-007)