Organized by Pokemon lihkg | |
![]() | Standard format |
Welcome to the Brothers League: #2 Brothers Cup!
- Swiss round : BO1, 20 minutes per round and 5 minutes check-in time.
- Top Cut: BO1, no check-in time, but please closely follow the tournament progress and start asap after being matched for a new round. Judge reserves the right to DQ for no show after 10 minutes.
Rounds and top cut
- 32 players or less: 4 Swiss rounds, Top 8 elimination round.
- 32-64 players: 5 Swiss rounds, Top 8 elimination round.
- 65-128 players or less: 6 Swiss rounds, Top 16 elimination round.
- 128 players +: 7 Swiss rounds, Top 16 elimination round.
- All cards are allowed
- Deck lists and energy must be submitted before the tournament begins. Please use the deck builder to search for your cards and build your deck and then save it and share/export it as a text to submit on limitless.
- No deck and energy type changes are allowed once the tournament starts, wrong deck or energy type will lead to an instant DQ. If you found yourself using a wrong deck at the start of your match, please request a judge immediately and the match can be restarted once.
Check in
- Players must check-in for the tournament and each matches.
- Check-in for tournaments opens an hour before start, please remember to check in or you will be dropped from the tournament and won't be paired.
- Five minutes check-in time for matches after round starts, not checking-in in the allowed time will result in an automatic loss.
Match Results
- Players are required to submit your match results on limitless after each game.
- Taking screenshots of your victory page is recommended in case of any dispute. Judge couldn't do anything if there is no screenshot. If there is no proof and both parties disagree with the match result, it will result in a loss for both sides.
- Players can drop from the tournament at any point. Use the drop button from dashboard.
Intentional Tie
- Intentional Tie is not allowed and will lead to an instant DQ.
Code of Conduct
- No offensive language or behaviour. This will lead to an instant DQ.
- Your game name on PTCGP must match your account name or the screen name on limitless. If you connect with a different name then you will be required to access the account with the right name to play or it will lead to an instant DQ.
- Judges have the final say in all rulings and disputes. Feel free to call a judge if you feel you need one. Players must respect and follow the decisions made by judges. Please try to screenshot any proof and submit any screenshots you have to the discord.
- 瑞士輪比賽為BO1,每場比賽時限為20分鐘,報到時間為5分鐘。
- 淘汰賽同樣為BO1,系統不設報到時間,但玩家請務必緊貼比賽進程,新一輪配對後雙方請盡快開始比賽,如配對後10分鐘內仍未出現,裁判有權判敗。
- 32名玩家以下:4輪瑞士輪,Top 8 淘汰賽。
- 32-64 名玩家:5 輪瑞士輪,Top 8 淘汰賽。
- 65-128 名玩家:6 輪瑞士輪,Top 16 淘汰賽。
- 128名玩家以上:7 輪瑞士輪,Top 16 淘汰賽。
- 無任何卡牌限制
- 比賽前需預先在Limitless平台提交卡組及energy type,你可使用Deck Builder搜索卡牌然後share/export it as a text
- 比賽中不能改動卡組或energy type,如在比賽中使用錯誤卡組或energy type,可被即時DQ。如在比賽開始時發現使用了錯誤卡組或energy type,請馬上聯絡裁判,經核實後比賽可重新進行一次。
- 比賽及每回合開始前玩家都需在Limitless平台Check in。
- 比賽Check-in於比賽前一小時開始,請務必check in否則系統將自動將你退賽並不會為你分配對手。
- 每輪比賽開始後,你將有5分鐘時間進行另一次check in,如遲於指定時間該局將被視為落敗。
- 每局完結後,請於limitless回報比賽結果
- 每名玩家應自行保存勝場畫面。如任何一方對結果有爭議,將檢查及比對雙方的勝場畫面。如雙方均不同意比賽結果,但又未能提供任何證據,該局會視作雙方皆敗。
- 如果未能在限時內完成對戰,請聯絡裁判更改賽果。
- 比賽並不容許故意平局,如發現將會DQ有關玩家。
- 玩家隨時可以退出比賽,可於Dashboard中尋找Drop button,請注意一旦退賽,將無法重新參加比賽及並不會再獲配對新一輪比賽。
- 玩家在遊戲內的名稱必須與limitless上的帳號名稱或screen name相同。若名稱不符,請於比賽當日更改遊戲名稱,否則裁判有權將該玩家DQ。
- 如在比賽中有任何問題,請於Match Chat右上角Request a Judge。 裁判保留所有爭議及規則之最終決定權(所有規則以英文版為準)
Tournament Structure
瑞士輪(初賽) Swiss Round
7 Swiss Rounds - BO1
20 minutes per round
5 minute round check-in
16 players advance to the next phase
淘汰賽 Top Cut
Single Elimination Bracket - BO1
untimed matches
no match check-in
Wins are worth 3 match points, ties 1