Gray's PokéLeague - Champion's Road #14
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Organized by Gray's PokéLeague
Standard format
Pokémon TCG Live

Welcome to Gray's PokéLeague - Champion's Road #14

7 swiss rounds with no player cap

Format: Brilliant Stars (BRS) - Prismatic Evolutions (PRE)


  • Your deck must be valid for the current Standard format.
  • You must check-in to each round. Check-in timer is set to 5 minutes. Failure to check-in so will result in an automatic game loss.
  • If a player is disconnected, the affected person will be issued a game loss UNLESS it is within the check-in timer.
  • If a player selects the incorrect decklist, that person will be issued a game loss UNLESS it is within the check-in timer.
  • Unsportsmanlike conduct is completely unwarranted, and will result in a disqualification and a ban from future tournaments held by Gray's PokéLeague.
  • Pokémon TCG Live is buggy. The judge team will try to make the best calls and judgements they can for the variety of issues that may occur.
  • It is recommended that anyone streaming their games has an artificial delay to prevent stream-sniping. Anyone caught stream-sniping will be disqualified.


Prizing provided by SunnyTCG:

  • 1st: 10 codes + 50 points!
  • 2nd: 6 codes + 40 points!
  • 3rd: 3 codes + 32 points!
  • 4th: 2 codes + 32 points!
  • 5th - 8th: 1 code + 25 points!

Additional points will be issued to places below 8th, depending on attendance!


Please make sure you have joined the discord for the latest tournament updates. Join the Discord server here:

Prizes will be sent via Limitless to anyone who places in the Top 8!

Should any issues arise, ping gray_02 in the Discord for help!

Tournament Structure

Gray's PokéLeague
6 Swiss Rounds - BO1
30 minutes per round
5 minute round check-in
Wins are worth 3 match points, ties 1