SNT Asia Championships!
Organized by Stellar Novas
Scarlet & Violet - Regulation G
Nintendo Switch

Hello Champions! Here is the tournament where you and the other LT/SNT Champions clash to see who is the best champion of them all! Below are rules

No bad behavior, punishments can be given out based on severity

No teamlist errors, if you did do a mistake please let your opponent know before the bo3 starts

If you are banned from the tournaments, open a ticket at tournament-ban-appeals and a mod will get there, explain why you are banned and depending on how it goes or how much warning points you have you can be unbanned

Ask a judge if you have any issues or bad behavior to report

If you have any errors please join the Discord and send them to Tournament General

Format will be Reg G

Will be using the switch for this tour

Swiss rounds and top cuts can change depending on people, like 8 or less will have 4 swiss rounds top cut with 4, 16 or less with 5 swiss rounds and top cut with 8 and so on

Most importantly, have fun!

Tournament Structure

Champ's Swiss
5 Swiss Rounds - BO3
30 minutes per round
10 minute round check-in
players with 3 or more points advance to the next phase
Champ Top Cut
Single Elimination Bracket - BO3
untimed matches
no match check-in
Wins are worth 1 match point, ties 0