Organized by Pocket Champions | |
![]() | Custom format |
How's it going everybody I hope you're having a great week and it's time for our Ban-Hammer Thursday Tournament!
Every Thursday we will build a custom ban/limiting list and we will adjust the meta slightly to see what works and what doesn't, there is a lot of power out there in Pokémon TCG Pocket, and a lot of cards that players like to use with "less power."
I'd like the chance to balance the game a little better, and knock some of those huge power decks down a couple of rungs on the overpowered ladder, such as Mewtwo EX, Pikachu EX, Articuno EX, and Blaine Aggro. Here is the banlist as we have it set-up right now. Any issues with the ban-list can be expressed in our tournaments channel on our discord!
Mewtwo EX: Banned
Gardevoir: Limited to one
Starmie EX: Limited to one
Articuno EX: Limited to one
Pikachu EX: Limited to one
Electrode: Banned
Zebstrika: Limited to one
Pincurchin: Limited to one
Charizard EX: Limited to one
Arcanine EX: Limited to one
Moltres EX: Limited to one
Gengar EX: Limited to one
Lilligant: Limited to one
Magneton: Limited to one
Alakazam: Limited to one
Weezing: Limited to one
Greninja (Promo and A1): Limited to one/cannot run more than one Greninja of any kind in your deck
Raichu: Limited to one
Lapras EX: Limited to one
Frosmoth: Limited to one
Hypno: Limited to one
Butterfree (Promo and A1): Limited to one/cannot run more than one Butterfree of any kind in your deck
Marowak EX: Limited to one
Misty: Limited to one
Koga: Limited to one
Sabrina: Limited to one
Potion: Limited to one
Poke Ball: Limited to one
X Speed: Limited to one
Cards not listed here have no limitations of play
Decklists are open to your opponent's so please do not cheat, this banlist gives every deck (even onix brock) a chance to play and compete. I am really excited for this one so please, have as much fun as you can and good luck!