Organized by Hearts INC | |
Scarlet & Violet - Regulation H | |
![]() | Simulator |
------{ LILITH CUP #03: THE THIRD TOUR }------
- Hello! this description will seem unprofessional at and that's cause it is. This is my third time hosting a limitless tournament, and please bear with me any troubles. I plan to get a hold of this over the next few weeks, so do understand that this will may not be the best run. However, if you will be able to live with that I hope to provide a new option for VGC tournaments! while they may be mostly the standard regulation every so often I will host a different ruleset, whether it be type restrictions of Pokemon restrictions. With all that said, let's get to the format and rules
- You may stream your matches, however you must provide your twitch if the case
- You Must Join the discord, which will be linked in both this description and the organization page
- Reason is I can be contacted much faster compared to the judge system. Also, the people in there are cool
- Lastly, English ONLY. I AM CURRENTLY the only staff member, and as a single language person it is tough to deal with others. When I get more staff this may change, but for now at least know some English. Sorry again! 🙏
------{ FORMAT/RULES }------
- Platform: SHOWDOWN BABY WOOOO. But specfically when asking for a challenge, it will be Bo3 Reg H (which should still be around)
- Format/Regulation: Regulation: Christmas?/H
- --{ RULES }---
- 1: TREAT EVERYONE WITH RESPECT. There is a ZERO TOLERANCE policy for unsportsmanlike behavior. Please call a judge if this happens.
- 2: Make sure your teamsheets are correct. If there is more than one error on your teamsheet, it is a game loss. You can switch in the correct team after the game loss
- 3: Do not report wins early. Only report wins after each game has concluded. Allow the timer to Auto-Resolve the match if you opponent hasn't checked in (Example: Don't self report G1 & G2 Wins in the last minute).
- 5: A DC is fine as long as it is at the start of a game, however if any later in a game call a Judge
- 6: If you do not check in in time, it is a set loss. That's why check in is so long.
- What is this weird regulation? well it is a custom ruleset I have made up to spice the event because it is the last tour before Christmas. with that said
- Rule One: You must use delibird, and he must have present as at least one of his moves.
- Rule Two: You must use at least 2 Ice types of your choice
- Rule Three: You must have one Pokemon that can ONLY support your team. EX: Only status moves/Fake Out (Delibird cannot be the support mon)
- Rule Four: No taunt. Ruins the fun for the support mon
- Rule Five: Must use Abomasnow or Trevenant
------{ ROUNDS }------
Total Participants: Under 16 Players
4 Swiss Rounds Final Cut: Top 4
Total Participants: 17-32 Players
5 Swiss Rounds Final Cut: Top 4/Top 8
Total Participants: 33-64 Players
6 Swiss Rounds Final Cut: Top 8/Top 16
Total Participants: 65-128 Players
7 Swiss Rounds Final Cut: X-2 Record or Better
Total Participants: 129-256 Players
8 Swiss Rounds Final Cut: X-2 Record or Better
Total Participants: 257+ Players
9 Swiss Rounds Final Cut: X-3 Record or Better
------{ PRIZES? }------
- ???$ GIFT CARD
----{ CLOSING }----
- This will be the last tournament for 2 weeks, I know technically we are all on break or have more free time but....I'd rather you spend the holidays with your family. I probably will be, so do not expect any PUBLIC tournaments. Maybe one private but that is allTournament Structure
Swiss Rounds
4 Swiss Rounds - BO3
60 minutes per round
7 minute round check-in
4 players advance to the next phase
Top Cut
2 Single Elimination Rounds - BO3
60 minutes per round
7 minute round check-in
Wins are worth 1 match point, ties 0