Emperor Palpatine, Galactic Ruler
KCM Mining Facility
3 Salacious Crumb, Obnoxious Pet
3 Death Star Stormtrooper
3 Rhokai Gunship
3 Seasoned Shoretrooper
3 Poggle the Lesser, Archduke of the Stalgasin Hive
3 Superlaser Technician
2 Phase-III Dark Trooper
3 Ruthless Raider
2 Maul, Shadow Collective Visionary
2 Darth Vader, Commanding the First Legion
3 Count Dooku, Fallen Jedi
3 Emperor Palpatine, Master of the Dark Side
2 Devastator, Inescapable
3 Force Choke
3 Merciless Contest
3 Resupply
3 Overwhelming Barrage
3 Palpatine’s Return
3 Force Throw
3 Black Sun Starfighter
2 Traitorous
2 Relentless, Konstantine's Folly