Obi-Wan Kenobi, Patient Mentor (TWI-003)
0 wins (0.00%) - 1 losses - 0 ties
Leader (1.00)
Base (1.00)
Unit (36.00)
3.00 Republic Tactical Officer
3.00 Captain Typho, Protecting the Senator
3.00 Admiral Yularen, Advising Caution
3.00 Bright Hope, The Last Transport
3.00 Obi-Wan's Aethersprite, This is Why I Hate Flying
3.00 General Rieekan, Defensive Strategist
2.00 Aayla Secura, Master of the Blade
2.00 Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight
Event (11.00)
Upgrade (3.00)