Han Solo, Audacious Smuggler (SOR-017)
0 wins (0.00%) - 5 losses - 0 ties
Leader (1.00)
Unit (36.20)
3.00 Millennium Falcon, Piece of Junk
2.00 Millennium Falcon, Lando’s Pride
1.80 L3-37, Droid Revolutionary
1.80 Bodhi Rook, Imperial Defector
1.20 Enfys Nest, Champion of Justice
1.20 Auzituck Liberator Gunship
1.20 The Marauder, Shuttling the Bad Batch
1.00 Bright Hope, The Last Transport
1.00 Home One, Alliance Flagship
0.60 Ezra Bridger, Resourceful Troublemaker
0.60 Leia Organa, Defiant Princess
0.60 Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight