1.00 Grand Admiral Thrawn, Patient and Insightful
1.00 Dagobah Swamp
3.00 Fugitive Wookiee
3.00 Viper Probe Droid
3.00 Cartel Spacer
3.00 Inferno Four, Unforgetting
3.00 Lurking TIE Phantom
3.00 Seventh Fleet Defender
3.00 General Grievous, Trophy Collector
3.00 Boba Fett, Disintegrator
3.00 Strafing Gunship
3.00 Bossk, Deadly Stalker
3.00 Cad Bane, Hostage Taker
2.00 Avenger, Hunting Star Destroyer
3.00 Power of the Dark Side
3.00 Takedown
3.00 Vanquish
3.00 Superlaser Blast
3.00 Frozen in Carbonite
3.00 Bazine Netal, Spy for the First Order
2.00 No Good to Me Dead
2.00 The Client, Dictated by Discretion
2.00 Rival’s Fall
1.00 Waylay