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This is the 500 BST and Under tour!
- If the GC is announced to start on this date the tour will move to the 27th instead *
- Free to Join!
- VGC Rules - Team of 6, Bring 4
- Open Team Sheet (Tera Type, Moves, Ability, Item)
- 5 Rounds of Swiss - Best of 3 Matches (Rounds may increase based on number of Players)
- Single Elim Top Cut based on Player # (Defaulting to 8) - Best of 3 Matches
- All Games to be played on the Nintendo Switch
- Must have Nintendo Switch Online to Participate
- Shiny for first place!
Allowed Pokémon
Pokemon with a Base Stat Total of 500 or less, with noted exceptions
Eligible Pokemon List:
Banned from This Tournament includes:
- Pokemon with BSTs above 500
- Amoonguss Line
- Azumarill
- Talonflame
- Dusclops
- Electabuzz
- Magmar
- Torkoal
- Pelipper
- Politoed
- Whimsicott
- Murkrow
- Tauros (Aqua & Blaze)
- Indeedee (Both)
- Weezing (Both)
- Rillaboom Line
- Incineroar Line
- Smeargle
- Palafin
- Vulpix (Both)
- Evasion Boosting (Minimize, Double Team, Bright Powder, Moody, Sand Veil, and Snow Cloak etc.)
This is not a Reg H tour! Double check the legality of your pokemon! If you try to use something illegible then you will not be able to use the pokemon, and may result in a DQ if 3 or more are not allowed
Player Behavior
We ask all participants to be Respectful, Responsible and Safe to Themselves and Others. Any form of Harassment, Stream Sniping, Bribery, Coercion or Hate Speech will NOT BE TOLERATED. Please cooperate with TO and Judges, and call a judge with any issues in regards of anything listed in Player Behavior.
Join the discord for round updates and the usual stuff:
Round Timer
- Battle Time: 20 Minutes
- Player Time: 7 Minutes
- Preview Time: 90 Seconds
- Turn Time: 45 Seconds
- Round Timer: 55 Minutes
- Check In Timer: 8 Minutes once the round starts.
Should I Call a Judge?
- Call a judge if...
- No Show Opponent
- Team Sheet Issues
- Wrong Score
- Player Issue
- Disconnects (Take Screenshot or Picture or Error Code)
Team sheet Issues:
Please Double Check your Team and Team sheet to prevent Errors! If error is found before a round, please inform your opponent before team preview. If error is possible to fix before round starts, a player can fix to match team sheet. If Team Sheet error happens after match has started, please screenshot and call a judge. Team sheet errors during the match will result in a game lose, player can fix error before the next round or notify next opponent of the error.