Organized by The shining lion club | |
![]() | Standard format |
![]() | Pokémon TCG Live |
Rules and Procedures
比赛采用游戏内Standard规则进行判罚。 This tournament uses PTCG Standard Rule
比赛必须提交卡表,且全流程中不允许对卡组进行任何改动。 All Players must submit their decks. Changing decks during the tournament is not allowed.
开赛前30分钟有一次独立的签到,请务必在开赛前点击【Check In】按钮确认签到。 The tournament Check In starts 30mins before the tournament, please remember to check in.
请务必在每一局比赛结束后,在比赛计时结束前于Limiteless中点击【Win】或【Lose】按钮填写比赛结果。否则系统将直接将该局视为平局。在必要时请进行认输。 Please remember to submit the game result in Limitless page. If the result isn't submitted properly, that game will be take as a draw.
在有签到要求的赛段中,每局比赛的签到都是必须的,如果没有在5分钟内点击【Check In】按钮确认签到将会被直接判负。In the swiss rounds, remember to Check In before each round. Fail to check in will lead to a lose.
bo1瑞士轮每轮总比赛时间35分钟,其中前5分钟为签到时间,越早签到则有越多的实际比赛时间;35分钟耗尽前没有填写比赛结果即视为平局。胜者积3分,平局积1分,败者不积分。The time limit of swiss rounds is 35mins, which includes 5mins for check in. 3 points for a win, 0 points for a loss, 1 point for a draw.
bo1瑞士轮积分前16名进入bo1淘汰赛。该赛段没有签到,因没有平局而不设比赛时间限制,胜者进入下一轮,直至剩余最后四人。By the end of swiss rounds, the top 16 players are promoted to single elimination rounds. No check in needed in single elimination rounds. No time limits.
最后2名选手进行bo3决赛。该阶段不设签到时间和比赛限时,没有平局。在bo3的后2小局中,上一小局的败者拥有选择先后手的权利。The Final will be best of 3. No check in needed in single elimination rounds. No time limits. Starting from the 2nd game, the loser of last game will choose who goes first.
仅可以在瑞士轮最后一轮申请约平。In the swiss rounds, intentional draw is only allowed in the last round.
对局中可自行对手机/电脑画面进行录像,如遭遇对手故意拖延时间,PTCG Live游戏内Bug,对手赛中修改牌表等行为,提交的录像将作为判罚的唯一凭证。若无法提供录像,比赛期间出现的任何包括但不限于上述的问题,裁判组将不会进行判罚。具体判罚方式如下:Players can record or screen shot their games as evidence to prevent unnecessary problems in any case. Following are penalties:
如在一场比赛中故意拖延时间,压倒计时出牌8次以上,则视为一次警告。两次以上的警告将直接在该场比赛中被判负。If you think your opponent is slow playing, please provide recorded video as evidence and call the judge. If it's confirmed by the judge, that opponent will be warned. Players who get two or more warnings will be dealt with a loss.
若被证实出牌与提交的牌表不符,该选手将在该局游戏中被判负;若再次发生此情况,该选手将被取消本次比赛资格。 If a player's deck doesn't match the deck submission, that player will be dealt with a loss in current game. If it happens again, this player will be disqualified from the tournament.
若被证实使用游戏内现存bug,该选手当场比赛将被直接判负,并警告一次;若该选手的同样行为发生第二次,将被取消比赛资格。 If a players is confirmed using bugs to make advantages, that player will be dealt with a loss in current game. If it happens again, this player will be disqualified from the tournament.
若能提供合理的游戏内录像证明遭遇Bug/掉线/闪退等问题,裁判组将根据实际情况决定是否允许重赛,但裁判组仍保留直接判负的权利。 If a player experienced bugs/network issue/game crash, the opponent can choose to rematch or not. But the judges reserve the right to dealt that player with a loss.
发生未列举出的情况,请于Limiteless中使用联系裁判的功能,并准确描述遇到的问题。 If an unlisted issue occurs, please request judge and clearly describe the issue.
比赛奖品 Prize
第1名:SV7 Code 100个
第2名:SV7 Code 80个
第3~4名:SV7 Code 60个
第5~8名:SV7 Code 50个
第9~16名:SV7 Code 30个
第17~64名:SV7 Code 10个