Organized by TCG Park | |
![]() | One Piece Card Game |
Pozdravljeni / Welcome!
Vabljeni na tretji Mesečni TCG Park OP Championship dogodek! Championship je namenjen spodbujanju igranja OP TCG na višjem nivoju in kot priprava na udeležbo uradnih turnirjev.
Dogodek je del celoletne serije dogodkov, kjer lahko nabirate pike in se potegujete za vabilo na TCG Park Invitational turnir konec sezone 24/25.
Več si lahko preberete tu!
You are invited to the third Monthly TCG Park OP Championship event! The Championship is aimed at encouraging play at a higher level and as preparation for participating in official tournaments.
The event is part of a year-long series where you can earn points and compete for an invitation to the TCG Park Invitational tournament at the end of the 24/25 season.
You can read more here!
DATUM / DATE: Sobota, 12. 10. 2024 / Saturday, October 12, 2024
URA / TIME: 10:30 (registration), 11:00 (tournament start)
LOKACIJA / LOCATION: Trgovina TCG Park, Supernova Rudnik, Ljubljana
FORMAT / FORMAT: Constructed.
Ob prijavi prejmete 1x Tournament Pack 2024 Oct.-Dec.
On entry you get 1x Tournament Pack 2024 Oct.-Dec.
6€ Store Credit v prize pool za vsakega igralca + Ultra Pro Izdelki in Championship Točke
6€ Store Credit to prize pool for each Player + Ultra Pro Items and Championship Points
Bo1 brez top cut, swiss runde 30 min + 5 min overtime.
Število rund je odvisno od števila udeležencev, max pa je 5 rund!
Bo1 with no top cut, Swiss rounds 30 min + 5 min overtime.
Number of rounds depends on the number of participants, with a maximum of 5 rounds!
Deck lista je za turnir obvezna, igra se po standard Ban Listu. Ne pozabite, da mora deck vsebovati točno 1x Leader karto, 50x Main Deck kart in 10x DON! kart. Če na karti ne piše drugače, imate v decku lahko največ 4 kopije iste karte.
Deck list is required for the tournament, and games follow the standard Ban List. Don't forget that you deck must include exactly 1x Leader card. 50x Main Deck cards and 10x DON! cards. You can have a maximum of 4x copies of each card unless stated otherwise.
Za možnost sodelovanja na dogodku se lahko prijavite preko našega Discorda. Sprejetih bo prvih 32 udeležencev. Prijava obvezna zgolj v primeru, da ne želite/morate sodelovati na jutranjem Set Turnirju.
To participate in the event, you can register through our Discord. First come first serve with 32 slots. Sign manditory only in the case that you don't want / cannot participate in the morning Set Tournament.
Se vidimo na dogodku! / See you at the event!