【PTCG LIVE】The Can Cup#7 +1520 SV07 CODE (FREE)
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Organized by The Can Cup
Standard format
Pokémon TCG Live



The Can Cup 7th

Happy Chinese National Day(free)


Hello to all Pokémon trainers all over the world. I'm a content creator from BiliBili: 带鱼罐头-. On this day of national celebration, we will welcome our seventh canned cup and also welcome athletes from all over the world to participate. Happy birthday to China!


About Us


As the news of Simplified Chinese Pokémon Trading Card Game continues to spread, there are more and more Chinese PTCG players joining the community, but the levels of skills are not uniform. The purpose of The Can Cup is to provides a platform for all trainers to learn skills and improve their skills at the same time.


The Can Cup strives to be the best and most professional PTCGO event. This event is all FREE! There is no fee charged in the Can Cup, and we will ensure you that all the match-ups are fair and just.


Rules and Procedures Related to This Event

1.所有玩家需要在规定时间内提交卡表并且check in

All players need to submit their deck and check in on time.

2.瑞士论 bo1 比赛时长25分钟 5分钟check in

The Swiss round is Best of 1, game time 25 minutes, and 5 minutes for check-in.

3.淘汰赛 bo3 比赛时间60分钟 5分钟check in

Top 16th is Best of 3, game time 60 minutes, 5 minutes for check-in.

4.如果您无法check in请及时呼叫裁判

If you cannot check in, please call the judge.

5.所有选手有责任在每场比赛前check in,否则将导致自动输掉比赛

All players should be responsible for checking in before each game. Otherwise, they will automatically lose the game.


The rule of this event is adopting PTCG international standard rules.


In game timer must be turned on when inviting opponents to play.

8.如果在瑞士轮 bo1计时结束后还无法决出胜负,除非工作人员另有说明,否则比赛将为平局

If the winner cannot be decided by the end of the Swiss bo1 timing, the match will be seen as a draw unless instructed by the staff.


Unless there are explanations by the staff, if top 16th cannot be decided within the specified time, the winner will be determined based on the number of remaining prize cards + the current number of games won (Please keep the screenshots of the game at that time to avoid misunderstandings).

10.如果您使用了错误的卡组,您必须向工作人员提供以下截图:您错误卡组与提交卡组异样的截图。在 Limitless 上呼叫裁判,输入您选择错卡组的内容后,向Discord上的 Arashikaze#8235/QQ上的零落白夜提交截图并告知自己的桌号。如果满足条件,工作人员会帮助您重新开始比赛。需要注意的是,如果发现上述情况时,瑞士轮的时间少于50分钟,则直接视为输掉比赛。如果您在淘汰赛中选错卡组则直接视为输掉比赛

If you use the wrong deck, you must provide the staff with the following screenshots: Screenshots of your wrong deck being the same as the one you submitted. Call the judge on Limitless, enter the content of the wrong deck you selected, then submit a screenshot to the Tencent QQ group 零落白夜/Discord group Arashikaze#8235 and inform your table number. If the conditions are met, the staff will help you restart the game. It should be noted that if the time of the Swiss round is less than 50 minutes when the above situation is found, it will be directly regarded as losing the game. If you choose the wrong deck in the Top 16th, you will lose the game.


If you experience any of the following, including but not limited to game freezes, network connection issues, server issues, game lag, software glitches, or device crashes - if the game is unusable, it will be considered a game failure. Unless unavoidable, try to finish the game as much as possible.

12.胜利记3分 失败记0分 如果双方玩家无法在规定时间内完成比赛则记平1分

3 points for a win, 0 points for a loss, 1 point for a tie if both players fail to complete the game within the specified time

13.如果您认为您的对手“故意拖时间” ,请尽早呼叫裁判。唯一可接受的证明形式是:录制视频; 如在一场比赛中故意拖延时间,压倒计时出牌8次以上,则视为一次警告。两次以上的警告将直接在该场比赛中被判负。 若能提供合理的游戏内录像证明遭遇Bug/掉线/闪退等问题,裁判组将根据实际情况决定是否允许重赛,但裁判组仍保留直接判负的权利。

If you think your opponent is "deliberately dragging time", please call the judge as soon as possible. The only acceptable form of proof is recorded video. If you think your opponent is slow playing, please provide recorded video as evidence and call the judge. If it's confirmed by the judge, that opponent will be warned. Players who get two or more warnings will be dealt with a loss. If a player experienced bugs/network issue/game crash, the opponent can choose to rematch or not. But the judges reserve the right to dealt that player with a loss.


All the players who enter the top 16th need to live stream the game screen on BiliBili or Discord for us to live stream the gameplay. Both sides of the player must remember not to spy on the live stream screen. They will be directly disqualified from the event if they are reported and found. (PS: It is still impossible to control such incidents. It is purely self-consciousness, and severe punishment will be imposed upon discovery. Therefore, participating in the player means agreeing to the live stream and being willing to bear the risk of being peeped at on the screen. It is recommended that the players adjust the delay of the live broadcast by themselves.)


After all the game, the champion and runner-up will have a brief interview and volunteer to participate.


It is recommended that players leave a screenshot of the win in each game to save as evidence to prevent unnecessary problems in any case. If there is no screenshot evidence for both sides and a dispute arises happened, the result of the game for both players will be dealt with as a loss.


If you won the last game, your opponent could choose going first or second


Other Information

如果您不熟悉Play Limitless网站或需要更多信息,请阅读https://play.limitlesstcg.com/help

If you are not familiar with the Play Limitless website or need more information, please read https://play.limitlesstcg.com/help

本次赛事将会在b站和discord上全程直播进行解说 各位观众可以来直播间与大家一起交流分享看法。


This event will be broadcast live on Bilibili and discord for commentary. All viewers can come to the live broadcast room to share their views with you.



About Swiss Round





50 to 70 players: 6 Swiss rounds

70 to 100 players: 7 Swiss rounds

100 to 200 players: 8 Swiss rounds

200 to 300 players: 12 Swiss rounds



Top 1: 400 SV07 CODE

Top 2: 200 SV07 CODE

Top 4: 100 SV07 CODE

Top 8: 60 SV07 CODE

Top 16: 30 SV07 CODE

Top 32: 15 SV07 CODE

b站直播链接 https://live.bilibili.com/5224242?broadcast_type=0&is_room_feed=1?spm_id_from=333.999.space_home.left_live.click

twitch https://www.twitch.tv/tccgeorge


Contact Us




The Can Cup contestant Tencent QQ group: 737295115


带鱼罐头 fans Tencent QQ group: 200474408


You can also join our discord group:https://discord.gg/VkXy3dF8Sz

Tournament Structure

瑞士轮 Swiss Rounds
8 Swiss Rounds - BO1
30 minutes per round
5 minute round check-in
16 players advance to the next phase
淘汰赛 Single Elimination (bo3)
4 Single Elimination Rounds - BO3
65 minutes per round
5 minute round check-in
Wins are worth 3 match points, ties 1