Gar Saxon, Viceroy of Mandalore
Death Watch Hideout
2 Follower of The Way
2 House Kast Soldier
3 Disabling Fang Fighter
2 Mandalorian Warrior
2 Death Watch Loyalist
1 Del Meeko, Providing Overwatch
1 Death Trooper
3 Supercommando Squad
3 Clan Challengers
1 Survivors’ Gauntlet
3 Fenn Rau, Protector of Concord Dawn
3 Clan Saxon Gauntlet
2 Academy Defense Walker
2 Pre Vizsla, Power Hungry
3 Covert Strength
2 Unexpected Escape
3 Power of the Dark Side
2 Fell the Dragon
2 Calculated Lethality
1 Rival’s Fall
2 Brutal Traditions
2 Armed to the Teeth
1 Mandalorian Armor
2 Vambrace Flamethrower
3 Entrenched
2 Black Sun Starfighter
2 Lom Pyke, Dealer in Truths
2 Kragan Gorr, Warbird Captain