TCG Park Pokémon Store Championship SCR Tournament
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Organized by TCG Park
Standard format


Pozdravljeni / Welcome!

TCG Park Pokémon Championship se nadaljuje, tokrat s trimesečnim Stellar Crown turnirjem! Championship je namenjen spodbujanju igranja Pokémon TCG na višjem nivoju, kot priprava na udeležbo uradnih turnirjev in kot način spodbujanja, da Slovenija prejme Official Play.
Dogodek je del celoletne serije dogodkov, kjer lahko nabirate točke in se potegujete za vabilo na TCG Park Invitational turnir konec sezone 24/25.
Več si lahko preberete tu!

We are happy to announce that TCG Park Pokémon TCG Championship resumes with this year's firs tri-monthly "Stellar Crown" tournament! The Championship is aimed at encouraging play at a higher level, as preparation for participating in official tournaments and as a way to support Slovenia getting Official Play.
The event is part of a year-long series where you can earn points and compete for an invitation to the TCG Park Invitational tournament at the end of the 24/25 season.
You can read more here!

DATUM / DATE: Sobota, 21. 9. 2024 / Saturday, September 21, 2024
URA / TIME: 10:30 (registration), 11:00 (tournament start)
LOKACIJA / LOCATION: Trgovina TCG Park, Supernova Rudnik, Ljubljana

Standard, Stellar Crown NI LEGAL (karte z oznako "F" "G" in "H" v levem spodnjem kotu. Igralci lahko igrajo s kartami iz starejših setov, če so le-te bile reprintane v katerem od setov, ki trenutno sestavljajo standard format). Dovoljeno je igrati s kartami v naslednjih jezikih: angleški, italijanski, nemški, francoski, španski, portugalski.

Standard, Stellar Crown NOT LEGAL (cards with the markings "F," "G," and "H" in the bottom left corner. Players can use cards from older sets if they have been reprinted in one of the sets that currently make up the standard format). Cards in the following languages are allowed: English, Italian, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese.

PRIJAVNINA / ENTRY FEE: 25€. Nagrada za sodelovanje + nagrade za najbolje uvrsščene igralce. / 25€. Participaton award + Rewards for top players

PRIJAVE / SIGN UP: Predprijava prek portala Limitless TCG / Sign up via our Limitless TCG portal

Bo3, swiss runde 50 min + topcut Bo3 75 min. Število rund je odvisno od števila udeležencev!

Bo3, swiss rounds 50min with topcut Bo3 75 min Number of rounds depends on the number of participants!

Deck lista je za turnir obvezna. Ne pozabite, da mora deck vsebovati točno 60 kart in da imate v decku lahko le 4 karte z istim imenom (z izjemo Basic energy kart in kart z posebnimi pravili.

Deck list is required for the tournament. Don't forget that your deck must include exactly 60 cards and that you can only have 4 copies of a card with the same name (with the exception of Basic energy cards and cards with special rules)

Turnir šteje za naše TCG Park Championship in prinaša točke*. Več informacij o prvenstvu TCG Park si lahko preberete tu!

The tournament counts towards our TCG Park Championship and awards points*. You can find more information about the TCG Park Championship here!

*Točke, ki jih tekmovalci osvojijo na turnirju, štejejo izključno za TCG Park Championshipu in ne za uvrstitev na uradno svetovno prvenstvo (torej, NE gre za uradne CP, teh zaenkrat žal še ne moremo podeljevati).

*Points earned by participants in the tournament count exclusively towards the TCG Park Championship and not towards qualification for the official World Championship (i.e., these are NOT official CP, which we unfortunately cannot award at this time).

Dodatne informacije na, po messengerju naše FB strani, na našem Discordu ali v živo na Pokemon druženju v trgovini TCG Park, vsako sredo od 17:30 dalje.

For more information, contact, via Messenger on our FB page, on our Discord, or in person at the Pokémon gatherings in the TCG Park store, every Wednesday from 17:30 onwards.

Se vidimo! / See you there!

Tournament Structure

Swiss Rounds
5 Swiss Rounds - BO3
50 minutes per round
5 minute round check-in
4 players advance to the next phase
Single Elimination Bracket - BO3
untimed matches
no match check-in
Wins are worth 3 match points, ties 1