Organized by Amnesia League | |
![]() | Standard format |
![]() | Pokémon TCG Live |
Global users can get more information and get prize gift on discord.
- s瞬间失忆联赛第一赛季积分前32名选手会被邀请参加本次总决赛
- ptcg live标准环境
- 瑞士轮5轮,每轮35min,包含5min签到时间
- 瑞士轮前8名进行淘汰赛,不设轮次时长限制
- 不以赢得比赛为目的的拖延时间的行为,在对手提供视频证据的情况下,将会被判负
- TOP 32 players of Amnesia Series S1 will be invited to this championship
- PTCG live standard format
- 5 Swiss round,35 min per round (including 5 min to check in)
- Top 8 players have BO3 elimination game
- Slow play is NOT allowed and will be judged as loss
赛事奖励 / Prizing
奖金可以人民币或美元的方式支付。 Monetary prizing will be paid in RMB or USD(via paypal).
- 冠军/Champion : 288 RMB / 40 USD
- 亚军/ 2nd: 188 rmb / 26 USD
- 三四名/3rd 4th: 88 rmb / 12USD
- 比赛开始后请关注dashboard信息,以免错过瑞士轮签到时间。错过签到时间会由系统自动判负。只有在对方选手同意继续进行比赛的情况下,可以呼叫裁判进行重置。如比赛超时,判对方获胜,而不是平局。
- 请检查自己和对手的卡组。如果在对战准备阶段发现自己用错卡组,可以主动截图,与对手说明并叫裁判申请重赛。否则会被直接判负,除非对手同意重赛。
- 请所有获胜玩家保留对局结束的截屏,在对结果有争议的情况下,只有带双方用户名的截图才能作为参考证据。如出现双方各执一词又没有有效证据的情况,将判双败。
- 比赛进行过程中,如果某一方出现软件bug等问题导致无法继续,按以下规则处理:
- 如果在第一回合出现,可以重赛。重赛由对方选择先后手,并且对方如果对开局手牌不满意,可以再次重赛,如果再次重赛,先后手由掷硬币决定。这种情况可以叫裁判适当延时。
- 如果在比赛中途出现,原则上直接判bug方负。但在对手同意的情况下可以重赛,如果重赛超时,则判对方获胜而不是平局。
- 在没有正常完成比赛的任何情况下,【不要】自行点成绩。如遇到对手消失,加不上好友等情况,请在对局页面呼叫裁判。未完成比赛私自点成绩者将被判负。
- 发现对手拖时间时请尽快录屏并叫裁判处理。
- 利用游戏bug的选手(如开多次Vstar)将被判负。请保留相关log截图并呼叫裁判。
- Please pay attention to the dashboard information after the start of the tournament so as not to miss the Swiss round registration time. Missed check-in time will be automatically judged by the system. Only if the opponent agrees to continue playing, call judge to reset the game. If the match didn't finish in time, the opponent wins, not the draw.
- Please check your own and your opponent's decks. Play with wrong deck will be judged as loss directly unless the opponent agree to restart.
- All winning players are suggested to keep a screenshot of the game result. Only screenshots with the usernames of both can be used as evidence. If both sides insist that they win and there is no valid evidence, it will be judged as double loss.
- During the game, if one is unable to continue due to software bugs, the following rules will apply:
- If it appears in the first round, it is possible to replay. The opponent can choose to go first or second. They can choose to replay again if the opponent is not satisfied with the opening hand, and if they restart again, the precedence is determined by the coin toss. In this case, call judge to have an time extension.
- If it occurs in the middle of the game, in principle, the bug side will be directly awarded the loss. You can restart only if the opponent agrees to do that. If you replay and it can't finish in time, the opponent will be awarded a win instead of a draw.
- In any case where the game is not completed normally, do not tap win or loss on your own. If you encounter an opponent who disappears and cannot add friends, please call judge. Reporting game result dishonestly will be judged as loss directly.
- If you find that your opponent is slow playing, please record the screen as soon as possible and call judge.
- Since ptcg live has bugs recently that one may use more than one vstar attack, all players should pay attention to that. If anyone use the bug to win the game or gain benefit, they will be rewarding as loss.
- 捐赠code、宝可梦周边作为赛事奖品。您将获得VIP通行证优惠。
- 购买赞助商伙伴商品的同时小小提一下联赛的名字
想参与赛事组织或有好建议的朋友也欢迎随时沟通交流! 喜欢奖品的小伙伴可以在群内订购。
感谢在赛事初期免费为赛事提供奖品的: @老狗不吃糖 @口袋潮玩社 @向荣卡包铺 @瞬间失忆战队 @环宇道馆
感谢为赛事和赛事群无偿捐赠code的: @TCC-Thieves @iamflukeovo
Tournament Structure
5 Swiss Rounds - BO1
30 minutes per round
5 minute round check-in
8 players advance to the next phase
Single Elimination Bracket - BO3
untimed matches
no match check-in
Wins are worth 3 match points, ties 1