Organized by Plus Ultra CGA | |
![]() | Standard format |
![]() | Pokémon TCG Live |
Free Entry: We hold $5 tourneys every Sunday!
Closed Decklists: All standard sets are legal. Deck archetypes will be made public during top cut. Once the tournament is completed, all decklists and metagame data will be made public.
Check In Policy: It is the players responsibility to Check In prior to each match. Failure to do so will result in an automatic game loss.
Round Start: Please be mindful of the round clock and remaining matches. The next round will start once all matches are completed even if the timer hasn't reached zero. Join our Discord for round start notifications.
End of Match: All games must be reported on Limitless before the end of the round or the match will result in a draw. It is strongly recommended to have screenshot proof of any win or tie upon the conclusion of a game. If you leave a game without explicitly stating "time is over, this is a tie" or something similar, it could be perceived as a concession.
In Game Issues: If before a turn is played any of the following occurs: incorrect deck selection, game freezing, internet issues, server issues, game lag, software glitch, device crashing, bugs etc., then the match may be restarted once. If the issue persists, then the player experiencing the issue will receive a game loss.
Slow Playing: If you believe your opponent is "playing slowly", please call a Judge before the end of the match. The only acceptable forms of proof are streaming your game in the Discord server or your opponent admitting to "playing slowly". Any player who is intentionally slow playing will receive a game loss at the discretion of the judge.
Streaming: Players are allowed to stream their games. It is recommended to have a delay on your stream to avoid "stream sniping". Any advantages gained from streaming may result in a match loss.
Judge Calls: Issues and problems during your match will be handled by staff. Please use the Judge Call button.
Phase Structure
4-8 Players = 3 Rounds - No Top Cut
9-12 Players = 4 Rounds - Top 4
13-20 Players = 5 Rounds - Top 4
21-32 Players = 5 Rounds - Top 8
33-64 Players = 6 Rounds - Top 8
65-128 Players = 7 Rounds - Top 8
1st wins 15 codes
2nd wins 5 codes
Codes will be sent via Limitless. Go to Dashboard-> History->Rewards.