2024/08/06日小天冠山日常赛加赛[China Environment]
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参加比赛请进QQ群/QQ exchange group number:689462463

Discord chat:https://discord.gg/jx5HHDrwWe

For International Environment Players: Recently, we learned that many foreign friends are interested in our Chinese environment, so I opened a discord account, if you want to participate in the competition, you can go to discord to learn more about the competition At present, China's environment has D,E and some F standard cards, and China's environment now has Fusion Mew~ I've prepared some top decks for the Beijing 5600 Masters for you to get into the game quickly, and you can get them inside discord!




比赛规格以及结果提交:比赛为 BO1瑞士轮6轮+8强赛,瑞士轮阶段每轮比赛时长30min(签到时长10min,尽快完成签到可以获得更多的实际比赛时长),请务必在每一轮瑞士轮比赛完成后,在比赛计时结束前于Limiteless中点击【Win】或【Lose】按钮填写比赛结果,每轮比赛时间耗尽后未提交比赛结果则视为成绩为双败;瑞士轮胜者积3分,平局各1分,败者0分;(提示:添加对手后,您可能需要重新启动 PTCG Live,否则无法看到对手在线,可能耽误比赛进行)

关于比赛中出现判罚或者Bug:出现故意拖延或者操作过慢情况,在累计多次故意压倒计时出牌会警告一次,出现两次以上该情况,当轮判负,警告累计至瑞士轮结束。 牌表被证明实际使用与提交卡表不符或者多次利用游戏内Bug获取比赛胜利,直接取消该次比赛资格并永久禁赛。 遭遇Bug/闪退或是由于网络原因无法正常比赛等,提交相应证据至裁判组,将视情况判断是否重新该轮比赛,裁判组保留直接该轮判负权力。 如遭遇以上或者其他任意情况,请及时与裁判联系,以保证比赛顺利进行。 比赛奖品仅限中国大陆地区用户领取!

Tournament Structure

4 Swiss Rounds - BO1
30 minutes per round
10 minute round check-in
Wins are worth 3 match points, ties 1