Organized by ketsu League
Scarlet & Violet - Regulation G
Nintendo Switch

Hello there!

Welcome to the Pete's Power Plays Series!

An occasional tournament series to help all trainers increase their skills and get a better understanding of Pokémon VGC , so whether you're a new trainer trying to learn or more experience and preparing for your upcoming events, everyone is welcome to try their hand at Pete's Power Plays!

Your hosts and TO's consist of Myself (ketsu), OrangePurple and LogicFuel, pleasure to meet you all!

Anyone who wishes to sign up, we also run a discord for announcements of Round Updates, Tournament Updates as well as Streams whenever they occur, feel free to join whenever you please!

All we ask is that you please be respectful to your fellow trainers and competitors, any abuse to competitors or staff will result in an instant ban and prevention from entering our events for a certain amount of time. Apart from that, HAVE FUN! Don't be afraid to ask any questions and try to help each other grow to the best trainers you can be!

We plan to do more with our series in the future such as a Cup series with prizes in the future as well as potentially organize TCG tournaments but again, in the near future, but as of right now, we are just gathering our bearings as TO's so please be patient and keep an eye out on the discord for more details regarding upcoming changes!

If there are any questions you would like to address or any difficulties with sign-ups, please contact a member of the team and we will respond ASAP!

The ruleset will be as follows:
Regulation G format
(Will update with the current official Pokémon VGC Regulations as it changes)

Swiss Round of 6, Best-of-3 Matches (Matches will depend on attendee number) Followed by a Top Cut, Best-of-3, Single Elimination Bracket

10 Minute Check-In Timer will be issued to all players at the start of each Round 1, Trainers who fail to sign in will receive a auto-loss for that round

5 Minute Check-In Timer will be issued to all players at the start of each Round 2 Tournament Structure: Amount of Trainer Entrants will determine Swiss Rounds but on average:

BO3 Swiss Rounds 6 Rounds of Swiss - BO3 60 Minute Timer/10 Min Check-In

Top Cut

Single-Elim BO3 10 Min Check-In


Tournament Structure:

Swiss Rounds

  • 6 Swiss Rounds - BO3
  • 60 minutes per round
  • 10 minute round check-in

players with 3 or more points advance to the next phase


  • 1 Single Elimination Bracket - BO3
  • 60 minutes per round
  • 10 minute round check-in
  • Wins are worth 1 match point, ties 0

    Tournament Structure

    Chilling And Battling Swiss
    4 Swiss Rounds - BO3
    60 minutes per round
    10 minute round check-in
    8 players advance to the next phase
    Top Cut
    Single Elimination Bracket - BO3
    untimed matches
    no match check-in
    Wins are worth 1 match point, ties 0