1.00 Grand Moff Tarkin, Oversector Governor
1.00 Administrator's Tower
3.00 TIE/ln Fighter
3.00 Seventh Fleet Defender
3.00 Lurking TIE Phantom
3.00 TIE Advanced
3.00 Reinforcement Walker
2.50 ISB Agent
2.50 Outland TIE Vanguard
1.50 Seasoned Shoretrooper
1.50 Snowtrooper Lieutenant
1.50 Admiral Piett, Captain of the Executor
1.50 Pirate Battle Tank
1.50 Bazine Netal, Spy for the First Order
1.50 Incinerator Trooper
1.50 Phase-III Dark Trooper
1.50 Darth Vader, Commanding the First Legion
1.00 AT-ST
1.00 Cell Block Guard
0.50 Arquitens Assault Cruiser
0.50 Relentless, Konstantine's Folly
3.00 Swoop Down
3.00 Triple Dark Raid
3.00 Overwhelming Barrage
2.50 No Good to Me Dead
1.50 Surprise Strike
1.50 Waylay
1.00 Confiscate
1.00 Surprise Strike
1.50 Frozen in Carbonite
1.00 Traitorous
1.50 Confiscate
1.00 Outflank
1.00 Waylay
1.00 Outmaneuver