PCG Conference #84 Standard Bo3
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Organized by PCG Laboratory
Standard format
Pokémon TCG Live

PCG Conference
PCG Conference(PCG Laboratory) is organized by peke.

Welcome to PCG Conference!

It's goling to do a casual tournament every Wednesday for now.

This tournament structure goes 3 swiss rounds and Best of 3.
(No matter how many people compete in.)


We'll give a few random codes to players went 3-0.
The prize is sent via Discord so please contact to peke.

Really appreciate to donate PTCGL codes to us.


  • The organizer is also playing this tournament so that It might be late to check any reqest. I'll apologize If that's happend.

  • You must need to restart PTCG Live after a friend request has been approved.

  • Late Check-in is opend.

  • Make sure who will go first or second for game 2 and 3.
    The loser of game 1 can choose who will go first for game 2. And also the loser of game 2 can chose it as well.

  • If time is up, make sure each other to count turns 0, 1, 2 and 3.

  • If you see a wrong deck list during a game, please let us know. The player loss a game.

  • For some connection problems and Live bugs, It happend if it's happend. But please save any evidences for each other just in case.

  • Basically, I wouldn't accepet a report of slow play and other similar reqest after time up. Please report any requests during the game. This is a casual tournament so that stop playing slow plays. If I recieve some reports of slow play in a few tournament, I might do ban the player.

  • If you think what your opponent play slowly for tie or thier win, please call a Judge as early as possible.

    Way of proof: Share the game at Discord TOURNAMENT-PLAY or let us know a link your streaming channel.
    We may give some time extentions for doing that. It could be a game loss.

  • If all tables have been done their match before time is up in each round, we're going to move to next round.
    We'll anoounce the round is started at Discord.

  • When you stop playing in this tournament, choose DROP on your dashboard by yourself.
    Check-in is the player's primary responsibility. If you missed check-in twice, the player will be processed as DROP.


  • 主催者:ペケも大会に参加しますので、ジャッジコールの対応が遅れる可能性あります。ご了承ください。

  • PTCGLでフレンド対戦をするには、フレンド承認後にゲームを再起動する必要があります。必ずご対応ください

  • レイトチェックインをオープンにしてます。おそらく2回戦からの参加も可能です。ぜひご検討ください。

  • Game2, 3前に先手後手の確認をするようにお願いします。

  • 試合時間終了後、追加で3ターン(0,1,2,3)を行います。お互いの持ちターンを確認お願いします。

  • 対戦相手のデッキリストが違う場合はご連絡ください。ゲームロス(3本中1本の試合を負け)とします。

  • 残念ながらバグの多いゲームです。ゲーム内で起きてしまったことはすべて正とします。

  • 試合時間終了後のジャッジコールには基本的に対応しません。特に相手の遅延行為などは試合中なるべく早めにご相談ください。これはカジュアルな大会ですので、バッドマナーな行動は慎むようお願いします。度重なる遅延行為等には出場停止等の処置をする場合があります。

  • 相手が遅延行為をしていると思ったら、早めのジャッジリクエストをお願いします。

証明方法: Discord のTOURNAMENT-PLAYで進行中の試合画面を共有してください。

  • 試合時間終了前に全テーブルの対戦が終わっていた場合、次のラウンドを始めます。
    ラウンド開始のアナウンスはDiscord で行いますので、適宜確認お願いします。

  • 大会参加を途中で辞めたい場合は、ダッシュボードからご自身でDROPを選択してください。


Discord: PCG Laboratory
X(Twitter): peke
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/peke_pcg
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@peke_pcg0329

Tournament Structure

Bo3 | Twilight Masquerade
3 Swiss Rounds - BO3
56 minutes per round
5 minute round check-in
Wins are worth 3 match points, ties 1