4 Mai, King Piccolo's Underling (DB3-013)
4 Videl, Miraculous Aide (BT8-010)
3 Krillin, at the Ready (BT19-018)
4 Bulma the Bunny Girl (BT10-011)
3 Raditz, Saiyan Youth (BT11-005)
1 Nappa, Demolition Man (BT9-090)
4 Videl, Encountering Danger (BT15-016)
4 Pan, Grandfather’s Strength (EX23-09)
4 Android 13, Full of Confidence (P-554)
2 SS Son Gohan, Defeating the Demon (P-479)
2 SS Son Gohan, Self-Taught Truth (BT23-011)
2 Toppo, Righteous Aid (DB1-014)
3 Oceanus Shenron, Negative Energy Explosion (BT14-135)
2 Cell Max, Return of Despair (BT22-027)
1 SSB Vegeta, Unbridled Power (BT16-147)
1 SS Son Goku, Pan, & SS Trunks, Galactic Explorers (BT17-009)
2 SSB Vegeta, Surmounting the Impossible (P-427)
2 10x Kamehameha, Mighty Blast (EX23-03)
2 SSG Son Goku, Crimson Guardian Deity (BT24-004)
1 Rush Attack SSB Vegeta (BT18-005)
1 Ultra Instinct Son Goku, Unthinking Onslaught (EX21-21)
2 Broly, Crown of Retribution (P-177)
2 SS Vegeta, Competitive Saiyan Spirit (P-593)
2 Master Roshi, Martial Virtuoso (BT10-010)
2 Afterimage Technique (BT5-023)
2 Black Smoke Dragon, Accumulated Negativity (BT19-140)
1 Oceanus Shenron, Negative Energy Explosion (BT14-135)
1 Max Power Kamehameha (EX13-34)