4 Son Gohan, Important Role (BT24-064)
4 Krillin, Important Role (BT24-069)
3 Son Gohan, Wish on Planet Namek (P-579)
4 Defending Father Paragus (SD8-04)
3 Vegeta, Face-Off With an Emperor (BT24-065)
2 Son Goku, Face-Off With an Emperor (BT24-063)
2 Raditz, Pulling Ahead (P-505)
2 Kaio-Ken Son Goku, the Furious (P-414)
1 Frieza, Charismatic Villain (BT10-075)
3 Son Gohan, Latent Power Unleashed (BT19-150)
1 Secret Identity Masked Saiyan (BT10-140)
4 SS Son Goku & SS2 Son Gohan, Father-Son Solidarity (BT21-079)
3 Bardock, Father’s Help (BT24-058)
2 Frieza, Resurrected Ambition (BT18-063)
1 Dr. Gero, Android Creator (P-496)
3 SS Bardock, Paternal Unison (BT10-062)
3 Broly, Omen of Evolution (EX19-12)
2 Koitsukai, Mechanical Courage (DB2-143)
2 Dabura, Ritual at Hand (BT13-137)
1 Vegeta, Protecting His Loved Ones (DB3-059)
1 Jiren, Survival of the Fittest (DB2-156)
1 SS2 Trunks, Path to the Future (BT23-081)