Boujack // Boujack, Subjugator Unbound (BT13-032)
2 wins (40.00%) - 3 losses - 0 ties
Battle (39.00)
4.00 Zen-Oh, Edge of Space (BT10-055)
4.00 Gokua, the Calamity (BT13-049)
4.00 Zangya, the Evildoer (BT13-050)
4.00 Bido, the Evildoer (BT13-052)
4.00 Boujack, the Evildoer (BT13-047)
4.00 Boujack, on a Rampage (BT13-046)
3.00 Boujack, Space Pirate Captain (P-462)
2.00 Bido, the Cruel (BT13-053)
2.00 Gokua, Cunning Slayer (P-463)
2.00 SS4 Vegeta, Rise of the Super Warrior (BT11-052)
2.00 Android 17, Turning the Tide (DB2-036)
1.00 Baby, Golden Avenger (BT11-042)
1.00 SS3 Son Goku, Man on a Mission (BT11-127)
Z-Deck (10.00)
2.00 Zangya, Beautiful Slayer (P-461)
2.00 Cell, Awakening of the Created (BT18-034)
2.00 Android 21, in the Name of Hunger (BT20-028)
1.00 SSB Vegito, Godly Spirit (SD18-02)
1.00 Beerus, Airy Annihilator (BT19-036)