OPE Milan DBS Side Event - Sunday 2PM 30th June
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Organized by Organized Play Events
DBS: Fusion World

Dragon Ball Super Fusion World Side Event Information

Venue address: Via Novegro S/N, Via Esposizioni, 20054 Segrate, Milan, Italy

This event will run in the following format:

Format : Standard Constructed

Rounds : Up to 6 Swiss Rounds, depending on attendance.

Round times : 35 minute matches, Best of 1.

Registration: Information on registration will be shared closer to the time.

Each Side Event kit contains prize support for 64 players. For every 64 players that enter each event, we will add another kit to the pod.


Energy Pack Vol. 02 x1

Top 16

Promotion Pack Vol. 02 x1

Top 2

Championship Pack 01 x1


FB02-133 Vegeta Alt-Art Card x1

Tournament Structure

DBS Fusion World Swiss
4 Swiss Rounds - BO1
untimed rounds
no round check-in
Wins are worth 1 match point, ties 0