🌱 The Sprout Tower Weekly - Road to Worlds 🌎
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PlaceNamePointsRecordOpp. Win %Opp. Opp. %TeamList
1thebluejae44 - 0 - 050.00%57.81%
2PaldeanEraser 33 - 1 - 058.33%50.00%
3Draxolotl33 - 1 - 056.25%55.00%
4Ferro0133 - 1 - 050.00%58.33%
5shabarai22 - 2 - 062.50%50.00%
6Fxnrir22 - 2 - 050.00%53.13%
7LiamJVGC22 - 2 - 050.00%51.56%
8magicalarcher5711 - 3 - 062.50%50.00%
9Palo11 - 3 - 043.75%55.00%
10wx00 - 1 - 0drop75.00%50.00%
11Oreo_Stars00 - 4 - 050.00%53.13%
12porygon200 - 1 - 0drop