Organized by The Big Green Poké-group | |
Star Wars: Unlimited | |
Tournament information
Discord Channel :
Entry fee: Free
Prize pool
1st prize - 1x Set Laser Cut SWU Tokens (sponsored by The Bearded Bear - )
Deck Format: Standard Premier SOR set only
Please import your deck with a copy of SWUDB's .Json text.
Number of rounds depends on attendance;
This tournament has 3 phases
The playing time is only 15 minutes per game (BO3 +-45mins)
5 Min Check in Time before match!
Please share your Karabast invite code in your limitless game chat
Event Check-in opens 60mins before event start
Wins = 3 point, Ties = 1.
All players who do not start 2 rounds in a row are dropped
If judge calls are still open, the next round will still start on time;
Ties occur when time runs out and a game is unresolved.
If no result was given in the last 3rd game to break a tie ,the game will result in a tie and the tie points(=1) will be allocated, (official rules state that it should be a loss for both players but, for now, we will give the tie point until further notice)
If a game completes but, you where unable to enter the result before the timer ran out in the limitless platform: Screenshot the game result and request a judge. They will determine based off the screenshot and check-in times if you completed the game before the timer ran out and alocate the Win/Loss//Tie.
Stream Sniping will consist of a warning on the first offense and loss of the match. DQ on the second with possible ban from the Tournament Series and future games.
All communications with judges is to be done in the Limitless chat. Failure to do so is instant DQ from Tournament and possible bans from future ones. This pertains if you contact them to get a ruling in your game, possibly in your favor, always have screenshots/recording/evidence of the offence of your game.
Unfortunately, major errors, including game crashes, sometimes occur. If you encounter this, do not restart your match, as this can unnecessarily delay the tournament. Instead, reach out to a tournament admin, who will do their best to find a solution that is fair to both players. Generally, game-breaking errors will award the win to the player that was leading in base damage when the crash occurred. (If the game was tied, the players may be directed to play a Sudden Death match.) However, if restarting the game is unlikely to cause any delays to the event, a tournament admin may allow the match to be replayed. If a game crash was caused by one player disconnecting (or any sort of exploitation of online play), that player will forfeit the match.
Karabast - UNDO
No Player may undo their action in the game , Players are allowed to ask the opponent if he can undo his previous move/selection/action. However the opponent can allow or deny this undo request/feature in Karabast
Karabast - BUGS
Karabast does suffer from bugs, some triggers may not work or work differently than it should , please report any bugs to the dev. team Please use the options menu >> report bug >> copy the game code in the chat window and report in their discord channel.
Should a bug occur in the game , please call the judge in the Limitless chat, Judges has no control over bugs. It will be decided if a game needs to be replayed(with a different card) or just an action Undo . Please be mindful that Karabast is a working project , be kind and mindful to your opponent if a error occurs.
If you are unfamiliar with the Limitless platform Please use the guide to help you through the process.
Tournament Structure
Single Match Finals